Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Transcontinental telepathic VW Beetle

Many years ago, when I lived in the West Indies, I owned a VW Beetle (6V variety). For as long as I had it, over several years, it never let us down, save once. One afternoon, en route to a big family occasion, the engine suddenly stopped, but then restarted after a few moments pause. A few hours later I received a call to say that my mother in England had died suddenly and, as far as we could tell, it must have been within a few minutes of the Beetle's one and only shutdown.

Two Fathers,Two Lost Sons

After my wife and I separated she moved away with our son Matthew then aged two and I use to visit every month / six weeks. On his sixth birthday I visited and the house was empty no furniture they had gone. Eleven years later I had re-married and we owned a restaurant in Bath, we were just about to close for lunch when an American tourist walked in saying he had lost his way and was looking for directions to an address in Bath. I gave him directions then ask what was the nature of his visit to our lovely City. He told me that eleven years ago he wnt to visit his astranged wife and six year old son and that when he arrived they had disappeared from their home and eleven years later he was given information that they were now living in England. This stopped me in my tracks, we both had sons we had not seen since their sixth birthday both had gone without trace with their Mothers and were now both seventeen years of age. I told him that this was fate and we must find both boys. To cut along story a little shorter a policeman friend of mine agreed to help with our search. Within 48 hours we found the address of the Americans son, they were re-united.

Meeting in Kenya

In 1976, my partner and I left our jobs and embarked on the trip of a lifetime, travelling overland to Kenya, where he was born. We didn't really think we'd get that far as we had little money and anyway there were swingeing restrictions on the amount of currency that could be taken out of the country. However, after getting work in Libya for three months and finally travelling to Kenya from Juba, Sudan, in order to avoid Idi Amin's Uganda, we made it. My partner found work and on a rare Sunday evening off, we went for a meal at a "hunting" lodge near Thomson's Falls. In the bar afterwards, there was a small group of young English people, and we got talking. One of the women asked where we were from. Our home had been in a village which then comprised only 900 souls, so I cautiously said "Do you know Leeds? Near there". "Yes. Whereabouts?" said she. "Near Ilkley", said I. "Yes. Whereabouts?" said she. "A little place called Addingham." said I. "Oh", said she. "You know the antique shop on the main street? That's my Dad's"

The Tale of Cleaning the Outdoor Toilet

A friend was cleaning out his outdoor toilet in preparation for a use-change into a potting shed. After having removed several layers of detritus he discovered that the newspaper used to originally cover the walls came from the exact date of his birth. What a coincidence.


At least three times each week, I wake up in the night (either to go to the loo, turn over, or realise I've fallen asleep and my book socks me in the eye) - and on glancing at the bedside digital clock find that the time is either: 1.11 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.55. This has been happening for several years, and at first I found it quite spooky, but now I just smile and cuddle back under the duvet.

Unplanned encounters

Back in the 70s when I was teaching biology at a local comprehensive school in Devon, my husband and I used to go to London most Easter holidays to stay with his brother, and then spend a couple of days exploring the city. One morning in Foyles I was browsing the biology text books when I looked up and saw my head of department ten feet away doing the same thing. Half an hour later, and still reeling from the coincidence, I rounded the corner in Charing Cross Road and ran into the Head of Art from the same school. When meeting up with someone at a prearranged time and place could still be fraught with difficulty, what chance of encountering two colleagues by chance in all of London's millions in just half an hour.

Missing playing card

We always take a pack of playing cards on holiday. Somehow the four of spades had gone missing and some years later whilst taking a walk in our neighbourhood I saw a playing card laying face down on the grass verge. I turned it over and guess what, it was the four of spades. It wasn't from the same pack as ours and just happened to be an amazing coincidence.

lost one bracelet and found two

In 1979 on one day I visited in-laws, went swimming and then to a concert at Queensway Hall Dunstable. While at the concert I noticed my bracelet was missing. I popped across the road to the leisure centre to see if it had been handed in. My bracelet was duly produced. The receptionist asked if I was sure it was mine. Yes, I replied. Thought no more about it. Next time I visited my in-laws, my mother-in-law produced a bracelet and said you left this here last time. I was incredulous. So now I have two identical bracelets. And yes I felt guilty that I had someone elses. By that time it was too late to return it to the leisure centre. I've had many coincidences in my life but think this is the most remarkable.

Furniture Fair

1. Some years ago I travelled to the Furniture Fair in Milan and, during a break, sat at a table and started talking to a stranger who obviously came from Australia. I asked him what part and he replied Pert. I said that my brother lived in Perth and he asked his name. I told him and he replied "Oh I know Simon" 2. On another occasion, I was in Johannesburg airport, about to return to Britain, when looking round happened to see someone that I had been at college with some 35 years earlier. He had emigrated to South Africa and was about to board the same plane as I, although he was stopping off at Milan, again going to the Furniture Fair. - Guy N

Birthday coincidence

nephew and niece both born on the same day 3 years apart
