In 1993, when I was 13 I moved from my hometown of South Shields, England, with my parents and sister to live in Vernon in the Okanagan Valley, B.C. Canada. When we went to enrol at the local high school the Principal told us there was another English family, from Liverpool, with children at the school and that their daughters were also called Helen and Emma althought he other way round age-wise.
A few days later my Mum answered the phone to a Liverpudlian guy, Mr. O. who informed her that he was the father of the other Helen and Emma at the school. He asked where we were living and then suddenly said "are you on your balcony?" He lived two streets away and could see our house from his kitchen across the park! During the conversation it transpired that there were a lot of coincidences...
We discovered that Mrs. O. was also from South Shields. And that Mr. and Mrs. O. just happened to get married at the church on the end of the road where my Mum grew up and where my Nana still lives! It then came out that Mrs. O. actually went to school with my Mum for a few years.