My mother married a real piece of work after my dad died. He loved her money and promised he wouldn't elect against her will. She wasn't dead two hours before he no longer knew me. Because of Ohio's law, one can elect against the will. (Why even have one, Ohio?) he was allowed to live in the house my dad built for one year after my mom's death. When he moved out, he took everything I didn't list by name in her assets. Apparently, 'misc' things such as pots and pans don't exist. He hated me, and when he left my parents' home, he took a lid for a Tupperware bowl, but left the bowl, and took pans, yet left the lids. My mom had an antique, three-corner cupboard that had been in our family forever. My dad bought my mom a candy dish with a lid. She would take it out of the cupboard each Christmas, and we put hard tack candies into it. He took the bottom part and left the lid. Because of the pure hatred of his black soul, I went into a deep depression; having lost so much when he stole. The candy dish meant so much to me and my mom. When I realized the hatred I had for him was weighing my own soul down, I decided to celebrate Christmas again.