In 2005 my family decided to go to Dorset for our summer holiday. When there, l said that I wasn't going all that way and not going to Stonehenge. So, we looked at all our options and decided that we would go on Thursday of that week. Thursday came, and off we trundled. All of us loved looking at the stones, however it was a blisteringly hot day, and the site was really busy. The kids were getting whiney, and wanted to get out of the crowds. I had promised my sister Sarah, my mum, and my brother Richard a postcard while I was here. The gift shop was mobbed and my daughter didn't like it, she kept saying mum mum can we go now? I said (in a raised voice) yes OK, just let me get a postcard for Sarah 'n' Richard. A lady next to me said "hello, did you speak to me ........ do I know you"? I must have looked really confused, she had an American accent. I said "no l don't think so"? After us staring at each other for what seemed like ages, she said "I'm Sarah Richard"! OMG - my brain fried right there!!!! Turns out she was on vacation from the USA. What are the chances of that happening??