Variety of coincidence
As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.
Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.
My wife and I grew up in the same area but went to different schools. We met by being introduced by friends when we were aged 23. The first coincidence is that we were both randomly selected by our schools to sing in the school choir and then ended up singing at the royal festival hall in London on the same night. We know this because both of our mothers still have the program's with our names on it. Secondly, When I was about 8 years my mother took my sister and I shopping. While my mum was browsing at some dresses just inside the shop door I put my arm through the hinged side of the door, my sister pushed the door shut causing my arm to get trapped. My terrified mother tried to open the door but could not. Suddenly a man comes running to help me, 25 years later I was telling this story to my wife's grandfather, turns out he was the man that come to help me and called the ambulance. Finally ( and this is the mad one ), my wife and I now have two children they are born one day apart with a four year gap. The last six digits of our home phone number are 712829 my birthday is on the 1st my wife's on 7th our son on the 28th and our daughter on the 29th. We are meant to be together and share our two beautiful children.
Date submitted:Sat, 09 Mar 2013 00:44:48 +0000Coincidence ID:6835