My family name is Sheridan and I grew up in Salford and Manchester, spent a year in Brighton, also spent time living in London, but I'd never met another Sheridan who wasn't an immediate relative (grandparents, parents, sisters), until at the age of 31 I went to Beijing. I landed a job working for the Chinese state media, working as a journalist for China Central Television, and I soon met another Sheridan, a journalist called Trudi who worked for China Radio International, and her brother Nelson, who worked for the news agency Xinhua. Incidentally, they were neither Irish nor British, they were both from New Zealand.
What was even more of a coincidence is that because all the foreigners working for the Chinese state media lived in accommodation provided by our employers at the Beijing Friendship Hotel, Nelson even happened to live in the same apartment block as me. So I went from never meeting any Sheridans for the first three decades of my life, to living in the same small apartment block as one, and when Trudi left her job, I moved over from television to radio and replaced her.