In 2004, I was on holiday in kephalonia (greek island), and I was sat reading a book Michael Atherton's Autobiography (England Cricket captain), I noticed across the other side of the pool another man reading the same book, an hour or so later I wondered across to buy a drink and on the way I stopped to talk to this chap, I asked him what he thought of the book, we had a chat for 5 minutes, as I was about to leave, i said that I noticed he had a strong lancashire accent and asked what part of the county he came from, he said Bury, I said that I used to live in Bolton 30 years ago and I played cricket in Bury. He said which club did you play for I said Walshaw, the look on the man's face was unbelievable, he said I have just realsied I know you, you are harvey Wiles and you used to be the opening batsman, I said yes thats correct, he said well when you played I was the scorer for the cricket club, and I once bowled you out in the nets as 13 year old. We had a great chat and spoke about the people who I knew then, he still lives there in Bury, but I moved to Yorkshire 35 years ago. We still send each other Christmas cards and have the odd email