1. We were a golf society visiting St Neots golf course, and a friend said I didn't realise you were a member here. I replied, no I'm not, He said come and look at this and he showed the list of members and their handicaps, there it was:- A.J.Hardie.. handicap 11.. I was A.J.Hardie ..handicap 11 unfortunately I didn't follow this up.
2. Visiting Ostend I noticed some teenagers walking around in school uniform which looked vaguely familiar. On closer inspection it turned out to be my old school uniform Peterhead Academy Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
3. On holiday in Cornwall, walking thro Mevagissy, I came face to face with one of my golfing partners and his wife, neither of us had said anything about holidaying in Cornwall
4. Returning from holiday in Corfu, In the Departure lounge at 0300am we bumped into dog walking friends from our street.
5.Caught the train from Kings Cross to Aberdeen taking my fiancee to meet my mother in the N.E of Scotland- these were the days of compartment trains and there was only one other person in our compartment. For some reason or other I felt an affinity to her but she was engrossed in her book and I didn't want to disturb her.