Firstly, I have quite a few personal coincidence stories and I put most of them down to having had a variety of jobs in my life meeting a lot of people.
This is my favourite.
A couple of years ago I was staying weekly in an Hotel in Ely, Cambs, for maybe threee weeks. there was a marine engineer in ther same hotel and a couple of times we passed each other on the M6, all the way from Cardiff on a Monday morning. Which once, is hardly surprising and twice, also not surprising either. The third time, and not on the same bit of the M6 in a hundred mile journey, I said to my colleague 'What's the chance of us seeing that Marine engineer a third time?'
My colleague said 'What? Him?'
as he was just passing us.
I can see spotting the same marine engineer on a shared route as probable. On a Monday more so. But these were the only three occasions we did this trip and there were variables such as traffic from Wales up to the M6, stopping for fuel, stopping for a cashpoint and stopping for a fag break which would make the third passing less and less of a probability.