Between age 10 and 15 my wife's family lived in Lettons Way, Dinis Powys, outside Cardiff. It was a cul de sac of modern houses bought mainly by young families and the children in the road soon got to know each other well and played together and went to parties together. My wife gradually lost touch with her friends as everyone grew up and moved away; she has since lived most of her life in London. In 2012 my wife and I, as we often do, went for a game of bridge to our local bridge club and, by chance in order to make a four, sat at a table with two women that we didn't know, or so we thought! After about ten minutes, during which my wife had seemed somewhat distracted, she said to one of the women "Are you xxxx yyyy?''. The other lady immediately replied "I'm xxxx zzzzzz but my maiden name was yyyy". The bridge was forgotten for several minutes as my wife introduced herself as one of the children in Lettons Way 50 years before (the other bridge player had no connection). The other lady (and her younger sister - see below) had been good friends and my wife had recognised her.