I arrived at your website (Understanding Uncertainty) after listening to your interview with Kim Al-Khalili on the recent Radio 4, ‘Life Scientific’, programme. I noted your request for co-incidences, which you are collecting for research at Cambridge University. The following might be of interest to you: -
I have been experiencing recurring (often daily) co-incidences since my late teens (I am now 64 years old). These often alarm and unsettle me, as they seem to trigger other strange co-incidences and phenomena. My family and fiends have been witness to this over the years, to such an extent, they have become quite blasé and dismissive of the pure boredom of having it pointed out to them yet again.
I have this proclivity for looking at a clock for no reason (not wanting to know the time) where the hands (hour and minute) are exactly upon each other and sometimes, for a pure instant, the second hand also coincides. This can happen up to half a dozen times a day. My eye seems to be uncontrollably drawn towards the clock, a very strange feeling.
Clearly this happens in my home more often, as I am in close association with a number of clocks.