Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

meeting acquaintances on holiday

This has happened four times to our family. Walking back into Florence city, having visited a well-known market on the outskirts, our elder daughter noticed her Design Technology teacher on the corner of the street. She had a short conversation with her. Another occasion, eating at a pizzeria outside on the terrasse in Duras in France, the same daughter saw a school acquaintance walk up the street and duly caught up with her to talk briefly. Third time, my husband and I were walking in the square in Sonoma, California and someone called my husband's name. When we turned around, we recognised the man as a friend of my brother who lives in Quebec. The friend had been to a wedding in Sonoma. The fourth occasion, we met a former village resident by an English bookstall at Issigeac market in France. On Saturday evening our older daughter(again!) saw our neighbour in the row in front at a theatre in London. On many occasions I have been about to ring my mother or Aunt and they have rung me. We have put this down to a sort of family 'telepathy'.

WW1 Mystery Solved (3 of 3)

The three accounts of cooincidence I have entered here for WW1 ( as well as another under 'Old Friend' all happened within a period of two weeks, just before Christmas 2011. I was given a kit for a WW1 aircraft in July and it had taken me almost five months to complete. I wanted to paint it in the colours of 6 Squadron and have a serial number that was valid for the sqquadron. In the kit were provided transfers for three specific aircraft (single letter prefix followed by four numbers), none of which were for 6 squadron. I went through the squadron records and tried to find a valid serial number that could be made up from the transfers supplied, with minimal cutting of the numbers, as trying to stick single transfers close together is almost impossible. Eventually I found three numbers that I could make and chose one at random. The day after I had taken a series of 'flying' photographs of the model (for my website) I received a call from the wife of the grandson of one of the 6 squadron pilots during WW1. Could I give her details of her husband's grandfather (which I could) and could I show her what sort of aircraft he flew.

Stuck in London and penniless.

My son returned from Thailand last year, penniless but sure he had enough money in his account for the single train fare up to Rugby. When he found he didn't, he walked outside Euston station to try and beg a few coins in order to ring me to drive down and pick him up. Approaching a total stranger, he explained his situation, at which the gentleman dug out of his pocket a valid single ticket to Birmingham and gave it to my son "since I'm not going to use it!" How many people carry around train tickets they don't need?

‘birthday coincidence’

My father, John Morrison M grew up in Glasgow (Scotland), My mother grew up in the village of Bridge of Weir in Renfrewshire. After they met in Glasgow they were married in 1939 and lived in the city. On 2nd December that year my sister, Ann, was born. In the village a couple known to my parents also had a daughter the same day. I was born 4 years and one day later on 3rd December 1943. That same day the couple who had had their daughter on same day as my sister was born, also had a son. In early 1944 both fathers were killed in Northern France, although they were not in the same area or regiment. When I got married in 1968 my wife and I had a daughter, Adrienne, born 6th September, 1968. Three years and one day later, 7th September, 1971 my son Gregor was born in Kitwe, Zambia. My sister had a son born 7th September, 1965, a daughter born 25th May, 1968, my mother's birthday was 26th May, 1912. My life has been full of coincidences, I never catalogued them but my family make fun of me because of it.

Grandfathers death date

My maternal and paternal grandfathers were borne a few days apart in 1901. They both died suddenly age over 80,on the same day in 1983. One died in the morning and the other one in the evening.

Passing Coincidences

When my brother died in 1999 his oldest schoolfriend attended his funeral They had been friends since their first day at school. When in 2005 my mother died, on Sunday April 17th, l wrote to tell my brother's friend. He replied to my letter and told me that HIS mother had died the very same morning.

Birthdays with a twist..

I appreciate that the chances of sharing a birthday with a relative is not so great, but my mother gave birth to twins on her birthday.. To further add to it my girlfriend who I met through an internet site was born on the same day, and in the same year.. So on May 8th next year I'll be reaching the big 4-0 with both my brother and my girlfriend.. Misery for all three of us.. all on my mother's birthday..

WW1 Mystery Solved (2 of 3)

Having helped someone in finding out how a photographer was killed in WW1 just before Christmas, I was sent a copy of a New Year's Eve Menu for the Sergeants Dinner 1917 of 6 Squadron, Royal Flying Corps, in case I might be interested. As my grandfather also served in 6 squadron, I was intrigued and enlarged the photo. All of the sergeants had signed the reverse of the menu and though it was faint, I thought I could see the signature of my grandfather. The name was right but the initial was wrong, and my grandfather was a corporal, not a sergeant. I checked my grandfather's diary for that year and sure enough, he attended the sergeant's dinner. I then re-listened to a tape recording of my grandmother reminiscing (I made the recording back in 1965 and put the tape away for posterity without ever listening to it. I had the recording restored two weeks ago and listened to it for the first time) and she mentioned that his nickname in the squadron was 'Johnnie' and not 'Fred', so that explained why the initial was wrong.

Thinking about someone who then phones out of the blue.

I haven't seen or spoken to my good friend for more than a year and seen her for more than 5. I was speaking to someone at my church today about her and made me wonder when would be best to ring and speak to her. This evening - she rang! She lives in Northumberland and is staying with another friend in London. There is no reason at all why I should be talking or thinking about her at all today.

Halloween Daughters

I have been married twice and have been blessed with four wonderful daughters, two from each relationship. My oldest daughter Philippa was born on 31st October 1995. My youngest daughter Grace was born 31st October 2004. That's a spooky coincidence!
