In 1995, after over 40 years as being one of the UK's leading top florists, (I was Interflora Florist of the Year in 1981 and taught advanced florsitry with Interflora for over 15 years) I looked for a career change and found it in the wonderful world of herbs where through prayer I had thanked God for the wonderful life he had given me, and asked Him if I could put something good back into society, and the first door opened showing me herbs that had been traditionally used by the Obijwa Native North Americans as a cure for cancer, where in a car park in Birmingham on a Sunday evening after a very inspiring conference on herbal supplements, in October 1995, I was given a small book, with a bright green cover to read called "I was Canada's Cancer Nurse" by Rene Caisse. Taking the book home with me, that night I read it from cover to cover and it was the saddest story I had ever read. The following day a gypsy came into my florist shop and asked me to buy a lucky charm - showing me three - the usual sprig of lucky heather - which isn't heather at all, it is Stattice Demosa, a lucky stone and the other was a golden coloured horseshoe with a horses head.