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Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Simon W

A friend was in the Navy many years ago and belongs to an association of ex & serving men. Each year they have a weekend away with a formal dinner on the Saturday evening. At the first one we went to, the speaker was Rick J who, I believe, was the chief surgeon during the Falklands conflict, and he was talking about Simon W, the soldier who was very badly burnt when the ship he was on was bombed. Going home the next day we stopped at a motorway service centre and Simon W was coming out.

The Red Anorak Story

I was living in Leeds, the year was ‘95 or ‘96, not sure which, and I had a friend staying with me for a few days, nickname of Pele, it was summertime and the weather was lovely. I had friends in Leeds called Crazy Tony and his equally nutty girlfriend Debbie who was charity shop grunge before the term grunge had ever been invented and she was a pretty wacky dresser. The Chapeltown festival was on at that day so Pele and I decided to go and ring Tony to see if he and Debbie want to come with, no Tony doesn’t but Debbie and her friend do. So we stop off at their house to meet them and we all get the bus to Chapeltown. Now Debbie is wearing one of the least attractive red anoraks that either Pele or I have ever seen and we all joke together how we’ll certainly not lose each other while she’s wearing that. When we arrive we have a wander round seeing what’s going on round the circumference of the main area where people will see the bands from.

Birthday coincidence and more

My daughter was born in Harold Wood Hospital in 1975 and named Heidi. A nurse mentioned that another baby was born two weeks earlier and shared the same name which was uncommon at the time. In 1978 we moved to Rayleigh and Heidi started preschool. Another little girl called Heidi had also just started and I became friends with her mother. We soon discovered that they both had been born in the same hospital and that Donna had moved house in 1978 and lived 3 roads away. That was not the only coincidence! We both shared the same birthday (03/04/47) and both were married on the same date (06/09/69) and had an older sister with the name Kathleen. I still to this day find it very uncanny. I saw the article in The Mail on Sunday re this study and thought I would like to participate.

Bumping into my brother

Easter 1987 I went to Alton Towers in Staffordshire with my then boyfriend. We were walking around the huge park, and I bumped into my brother! He hadn't known I was going, I hadn't known he was going! He lived in London at the time, I lived in Surrey.

Neighbours with an unknown connection

Up till September this year we were living in a house in Cheshire, and the day we moved out we were loading the car up and someone pulled up next door and got out. The lady and I stood talking, (I'd never seen her before) she was visiting her brother who lived next door. We didn't know the neighbours very well as we had only lived in the house 6 months. As I got talking to her I was convinced I knew her from somewhere. I asked her if she recognised me, she said I looked familiar but couldn't think where from. I asked her all sorts of questions, no, nothing clicked. Finally I asked her name, and when she told me I realised it was a lady who's husband worked with my husband 5 years previously and we used to meet up and go shopping while our husbands were doing exhibitions for the company they worked for! It turned out we had been living next door to her brother for the last six months not knowing the connection.

Bumping into someone I knew in Kenya

On my honeymoon in Kenya in 1999 we were standing in the check in queue at the airport to come home, I looked over and in the queue next to us there was a lady I had worked with 5 years before.

Sister I didn't know about with the same birthday!

My father passed away on the 2.2.2002 at 2.00pm at the age of 66. The day after he died we were going through his briefcase which he had always kept locked. My mother, brother and I found a number of birthday/christmas cards from someone calling him "Daddy". In June 2003 (the following year) a 22 year old girl called Jane managed to track down my brother via the internet, who had previously been in an 80'sboy band, and she confirmed we had a half sister. When we got talking, she told me her birthday was 6th March, exactly the same day as mine! My father had been living a parallel life, and had had another daughter on my 16th Birthday. We soon met up with my half sister, and have now become very close. She had always known about us, my Dad had told her she had a famous brother, and a sister, that one day he would take her to meet us, and that he was separated from his wife, my mum. My Mum and Jane's Mum have also met now, and any animosities have been buried. My Dad unfortunately is no longer with us to defend himself! But we are all sure he is up there somewhere looking down on us and is happy that we have all finally met!

meetings abroad

My partner and I were in Antalya in October and bumped into someone I have worked with in a back street. A few weeks later during a week-end in New York he got the better of me by having two such encounters, one with a colleague in a cafe by Times Square and one with a former colleague in the Metropolitan Museum. Actually these coincidences happen so often that they clearly have a much higher degree of probability than instinct would lead us to expect.

not changed in 20 years

This is really unbelievable, but true.My boyfriend and I were in a part of town we did not know, visiting my cousin.On the way back we stopped at a newsagent to buy something, and the man behind the counter asked my name, he was an old schoolfriend i had not seen for over 20 years.What was amazing was that he then handed me a photo of myself aged five, which was tucked behind his till.Apparently he had been sorting out his stock room that week and found a box of old school photos, and had put that one aside to ask his brother what the name of the girl in the photo was as he could not remember!I did not know the photo had even been taken,it showed me carrying the class register in a corridor at school, presumably taking it to or from class!

Same car same registration number

In 2010 my wife and I were driving on the sliproad towards the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent in my silver Renault Meganne Sport Tourer, registration number LXO4UBV, when I noticed that the car in front was a silver Renault Meganne Sport Tourer, registration number LX09UBV. The driver in front did not notice my wave, and we had to peel off to go into the shopping centre, leaving him to continue on his way. What a pity he was not on a shopping trip as well.
