Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

false teeth

My brother's friend had a big night out and threw up in the gutter, only realising he'd lost his 'teeth' the next morning. He had a plate for his top teeth, lost through a sporting accident. My brother, walking along the street the next day (very rare for him to walk anywhere as he loves his car) saw a smile in the gutter and, for some reason, thought it belonged to his friend. Who was very happy to have the teeth returned, albeit needing a strong disinfectant.

reassuring coincidences in my life at times of stress and change

I have many reassuring and quirky coincidences in my life, particularly at times of major change and stress. When we bought our current home, the morning after we put a small deposit down to secure it, I was anxiously leafing my way through, what I thought was the classified directory looking for creche listings as I knew I would need to increase my hours of work to help pay for the mortgage and would need extra childcare. I was actually looking through the "C" listings of the residential telephone directory, which was spread out on the kitchen work-top when my husband phoned me from work. As I spoke to him my eyes were drawn to my left index finger, which was pointing to a telephone listing on the open tel directory. The listing had an address on the street where we now live. There are only forty houses on our street and it is in a city of a population of more than a million. The people at the address had moved house by the time we moved in to the street. I knew that their surname began with "C" but as they were no longer listed in the telephone directory for many years I thought I might have imagined the episode.

Call Centre operator

In December 2011 I called BT to renew my annual rental and spoke to Carla . There were problems when the system would not accept my credit card. I was told to call back later when the problem would be resolved. I called back after an hour and got the same operator. She was amazed since there are a number of BT call centres around the country and each had many operators – as far as she and her supervisor were aware it had never happened before!

Novel Experience

Sometime between 1970-1972 I was reading the Iris Murdoch novel 'The Nice and the Good'. For some reason I didn't finish this book and thought no more about it. 10-12 years later I got on a tube train in London and sat down. Opposite me was one of the female characters, even though I knew that she was a fictional character and only one I had imagimed there was some intensity or buzz to this recognition - it was her! But the weirdest bit was when she got off 1 or 2 stops later and a guy got on and sat in the seat next to the one she had vacated, got out his book and of course he was reading 'The Nice and the Good'.

Only cars and horses.

My husband died in a motorcycle accident in 2001. In the few short months following, even though I had moved area I saw a camper van we previously owned and also his old car, which we had sold some years earlier. A few months later I decided to buy my daughter a pony. I viewed the pony and then went with my sister-in-law to pick it up. The pony was standing in a dark corner stable, but in the next stable, leaning over chatting to the pony was a big black horse. My sister-in-law took one look at it and said it was a horse she had sold sometime earlier. She had know idea where it had been moved to. These are no doubt coincidences but obviously I was looking for signs from my husband.<br /> In 1989 I was working for the London Ambulance Service, I attended an road traffic accident in Hendon where the Air ambulance helicopter had to land. About 4 years ago I started going out with a policeman who it turns out went to pick up the Doctor and paramedics from the helicopter to transport them to the accident.<br /> Lastly, my mother was nosing around a junk shop in Hastings, she came across a WW1 photograph of a Cavalry Officer.

Electric convulsive Coincidence

I started my nursing training last year, while on my first placement, I visited an Electric convulsive treatment (ECT) suite at another hospital to do escort training-to prepare for the event of taking a patient to ECT (I had only recently realised while on placement that this treatment is still used-and was a little skeptical about it, but interested at the same time). while in the training (with other team members who accompanied me from my placement) there was a door open in the room that lead to some beds where patients would have the treatment. I looked up and saw my brother wave at me from that room!! I was very shocked at seeing him, then he walked past with a doctor-and said to me mums in the waiting room. One of my collegues noticed this interaction and said 'do you know him?' -I said yes he's my brother. I hoped that he wasn't having the treatment, and through the rest of my training this is all I could think of. My brother had been depressed for a while but seemed to be improving slightly, I had no idea he was being offered or wanted ECT.

Help needed

I tend to have very vivid dreams.Normally although there are people with me in these dreams I don't recognise them as people I know in real life.I reckon less than 5% of my dreams are about friends and family. Last Tuesday I had a very clear dream about my cousin Pauline and her husband, Jim. (I am close to these two and Jim is someone I call on when I need practical help). Jim was trying to retune my tv after the digital switchover, but was using his own remote control which was operated by thumbprint recognition! He couldn't get it to work and kept telling me that I had to help him.I said that I was the last person to help him with anything technical but he kept on and on asking me to help.Before the tv was retuned I woke up with a start. (As far as I am aware there was no noise or anything that might have woken me.)I chuckled to myself at the idea of me helping Jim in something like that and decided I must phone up and tell him about it later.I remember looking at the clock and it was about 6.15am. As it happpened I was busy and forgot to phone.

Meeting Former Neighbour

I lived above a married couple for four years. They had a baby during that time and would often have a nanny come around during the week. We sold our respective properties at the same time, nearly a year ago, and moved away to different parts of London - without knowing where each other had gone. I moved into a large building, split into six flats. A fortnight ago I was off work ill and heard a car come onto the gravel drive. I looked out of the window and recognised the make and model as the one my previous neighbours had owned. The car stopped and after a while the driver's door opened. Out got my former neighbour. She entered the building and I heard voices. A moment later she came out of the building, so I went out to say hello. We had the usual "what are the chances of this" chit-chat and I asked what brought her here. It turns out the woman who lives in the flat opposite mine - who I befriended upon moving in - was my former neighbour's nanny. It was she that had been around to our old flat those years ago.

Phone call

I was sat in the cab of my 44 ton truck backed onto a loading bay at Banbury when my mobile rang, the caller said "Hi is that Bob?" "Yes" I replied. He said "I'm just coming down the hill from Scotch Corner, I'll be with you in 10 minutes" "No you won't" I said "I'm sat in a truck in Banbury". "Are you broken down?" he asked. "No" I said. He then said "Well I've been given this number for a breakdown in Richmond & I was calling for directions to Conan Drive to come & do a home start". I told him "Once you get into Richmond go past the schools, turn right at the roundabout onto Gilling Road & Conan Drive is 3rd left or 1st left past the SPAR shop" He was silent for a moment & then said "I thought you said you were in Banbury?" "I am" I said "But of all the millions of mobile phones in the world that you could have phoned you phoned one belonging to someone called Bob who lives in the same town & in the very next road to the one you're looking for, my road is 2nd past the shop.

Lotto win

In New Zealand, several years ago, I was in desperate need of \$1300 to pay some unexpected bills ( car and dental problems.) I did not have any spare money and during my lunch break I sat in my car and prayed for help. I happened to be 'lotto monitor' for our work syndicate, and that evening after work I went to check our ticket as usual. I was very surprised to find we had a win and even more surprised when the salesman said he could not give me that amount of money from the till. When he told me how much it was, the number seemed familiar and I realised the amount we had won was the first 4 numbers of our work telephone number! He congratulated me and I explained that the money wasnt all mine as it was a syndicate. He asked how many were in the syndicate and when I told him he got out a calculator and told me how much each of us would get. It was................................just over \$1300 each.
