I am 20 years old, and was born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the USA. When I was young I wanted to be an actress, and at the age of 8 enrolled in a local youth theater group that, conveniently, held rehearsals in the auditorium of my school. The group was comprised of about 30 kids, all from different parts of the greater Boston area. During the 2 years I was in the theater group, my parents, unimpressed with the academic level of the public school I was enrolled in at the time, started looking into private schools around our area. A small group of girls in my theater group (who I idolized- they were the oldest and immensely talented), were all students at one of the schools my parents were most interested in, and after hearing great things about the school from their parents, my parents and I were enthusiastic about my going to visit and taking the exams to try and get in. I did, and entered 6th grade when my theater group of idols started in 8th. As 8th grade is the final grade before high school in the US, we only shared the same campus for a year before they graduated (much to my disappointment).