Yesterday afternoon, 28th November 2013, my elderly neighbour was telling me over tea about the Radio 4 programme that morning -Melvyn Bragg's, In Our Time - the subject being "The Microscope". She knows little about science but was fascinated by the discussion on the electron microscope. I am a scientist, and our general conversation wandered around the subject and happened to extend to me telling her about the subject of crystallography and about William and Lawrence Bragg, father and son, who jointly won the Nobel prize in 1915 for their pioneering work in the subject.
<p>That evening I happened to watch the quiz programme - "Eggheads" on BBC2 (Series 10, Episode 124, first broadcast January 2010). One of the five contestants who each declared their names and occupations identified himself as a crystallographer (a pretty unusual occupation to declare!). This was the first, but minor coincidence.
<p>Then, of the various possible subjects that feature (History, Music etc), Science happened to come up and the crystallographer, being the scientist on the team, elected to compete against a resident Egghead.