As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

When my husband was at sea our letters would cross due to distance and my letters had to go via London office. Often he would have written on the same subject as I had written. Telepathy or coincidence? Without even knowing what my daughter and I are giving each other at Christmas, we always exchange the same gift, e.g. handbag, scarf. When she was buying a kitten for me and was describing its colour over the telephone, grey and white sploges, I said "I will call it Smokie". She replied "That is they name I have thought of". As far as I can remember I have foretold three occasions that had either happened or would happen in my life. 'I did not want to marry a man with a 9-5 job. ' This thought came to me whilst standing on Dublin Station. A few months later I met my husband, a junior office in the M.N. Years later as he was returning to sea to trade on the West African coast, I foretold he would be on the Continent for Christmas. He was, for ship repairs. I foretold the birth of my sister's first child and it was correct. Whilst working in London I said to my friend "Oh, something terrible has happened at home" and it had. A neighbour was going on the same cruise as my old schoolgirl friend and her husband so I gave them their name. The neighbour and his wife were standing on deck waiting to go ashore speaking to another couple. They mentioned they knew me and were looking for my friends. When they told the couple my name it turned out to be them. A few months later my husband and I went on a cruise on the same ship. On sailing I went to the laundry room. Another lady was there but there was only one iron and two ironing boards which I moaned about. The other lady said "I reported this on the world cruise". "Oh" I said "I had a friend on that cruise" (the same friend I speak of above). She asked their names and when I told her she replied "Oh Teresa and Eric, we played table tennis with them and have visited their home"!! On June 6th l939 at seven years of age and the daughter of a Speedway rider Tommy Croombs,who was captain of West Ham Speedway, I presented the late Duchess of Kent with a bouquet on her visit to West Ham Stadium. (The only time royalty has ever visited speedway). On June 6th 2007 at the 25year commemoration of the Merchant Navy's involvement in the Falklands War I met her son, Prince Michael of Kent, at the reception on HMS President, London. Finally, my best friend's second name is the same as my first name, Josephine and her birthday is the same date as my deceased Mother's, namely 16th August. The No. 13 figures strongly in my life. My Father was born on the 13th and I was 13on Fri: 13th. Married on 13th Oct. House we chose in Devon unbeknown to us was 13 and there are many more coincidences.
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Date submitted:Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:09:40 +0000Coincidence ID:5735