Travelling connections

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

In my late twenties I started to travel around the world exporting scientific products from the UK and very often I travelled on Trade Missions. On one particular trip to the Antipodes I had travelled to Australia and visited the various offices of distributors in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane. Having spent two weeks in Australia I then flew from Sydney to Auckland in New Zealand. On the flight a young lady walked past my seat two or three times and on each occasion gave me a big beaming smile. I was sitting towards the back of the aircraft and she was right at the front. After the third occasion I went to the front and approached her asking if she was someone I should know. She told me that two weeks previously I had visited the office in which she worked (I cannot now remember which one) and she had seen me walk through the general office to the managers office. As this in itself was quite a coincidence I asked her why she was now on a flight from Sydney to Auckland and she told me she was going to visit her parents before going on to marry someone from England. She informed me that she would be flying to England after about two weeks. I asked her where in England she was going to live and she said Furnace Vale. I asked if that was the one in Derbyshire which she confirmed. I told her that I grew up in a town called New Mills which is about two miles away. As Furness Vale was in the school catchment area I said I might know her fiancee and asked his name, which she told me was Derrick *****. I asked if he had a twin brother called Dennis which she confirmed. I grew up with the twins Derrick and Dennis who were about two years younger than me, during the 1950's and 1960's and they lived in a house right opposite the one in which our family lived in New Mills. The number of coincidences in this story always astounded me because there had been a number of different options at various times on this trip, including the offices that I visited and the travelling times, let alone the possibility of someone from New Zealand marrying someone from England who they had met in Australia subsequently travelling to New Zealand at the same time on the same plane as myself, also from England, when travelling was not as common as it is these days. It is possible that I may still have the original travel documents for the trip filed away somewhere. I hope that they got married and lived happily ever after wherever they settled.
Total votes: 131
Date submitted:Sat, 28 Jan 2012 15:12:58 +0000Coincidence ID:5867