Telepathy Parallel or just plain odd

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Hello I dont know how to categories my eexperinces as it covers quite a number of things. Top of the list is someone i had not seen for twenty years i seem to know where they were living. i had a history with someone i knew from my colleges day where odd stuff kept happening, eg i bought a japanese old print card for my collection, the next day my friend sent me the same design card without me telling them about it, another time was my record deck packing in but speakers were ok the next day at a party someone stole her speakers and she asked me where to get new ones, mine were suddenly available for her, anohet occasion not to be a nuisance to her i went to somewhere else but ended up on her doorstep by accident,, ok i lost touch with that person in early eighties and now in temp housing, whilst writing down a recollection of finding her against odds in a corwd after breaking mt spectacles something odd happened where a location kept opping into my head over and over again, time passed and her address appeared on the net , to my surprise where she lived was same location that appeared in my mind,, so it looks like whilst recalling finding someone against the odds..the same thing happend whereby i found her again..oddly enough on my forneds reunited profile i had posted about my college years well she showed up on friend s reunited saying the same almost looked likea conversation..'where are you?" " here i am" . another thing that happening a lot are 'reminders' no matter what i seem to do places and events look similar to my social worker remarked on painting by lowery mocking it, odlty enough i had been to art gallery looking at same painting where the same friend who has re appeared we did the same thing, then i meta friend of hers on ealing common, well guess who lived there before? yep the same one who has shown up again, then not so long ago i was on kingston bridge my sw looking at houseboats below, er i did same thing in early 80s in same spot frined in twickenhm works with mentally ill people er the place i live in houses mentally ill this parallel? in fact she does massage therapy in acton, ok when i knew here before she lived in acton and a friend of hers did massage..she used to talk about a place called the roxy,, now her son hasa dog called roxy... a frined invited me to spend the day with her paddling in the sea, next minute i saw a photo of her doing exactly that paddling in the sea..which reminded me when she and i were in hasting where she was paddling in the sea..then on frined reunited she posted a photo of gimat lily pads at kew gardens well when i knew here we had been there standing in front of giaint lily pads at kew..then i asked her online about something she menation mind body spirit festival ok again she and i had been at mind body spirit festival when i knew her before,,do things repeat? the oher coincidence outsid ethis weas me trying to download a chaplin film on yt it wasnt working the nextr day a friend showed up un anounced with guess what? same chaplin film i tried to dopwnload but i hadnt been in touch with him at all...
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Date submitted:Thu, 25 Oct 2012 16:47:36 +0000Coincidence ID:6644