
As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Not sure if these are classed as coincidences but here goes: 1. Whilst playing ‘hangman’ on a pocket electronic word-finder I had the letters l*q*e*r and, at the exact instant I realised that the word was ‘liqueur’ my twelve-year old son entered the room and asked, “Dad – what is Tia Maria?’ 2. Whilst looking through a shopping catalogue I turned to the page which showed the address of the shop which sold the goods to visitors rather than through mail order. At the same time my wife and her father were discussing their family tree. The shop was in ‘Bartlett St’ and the exact instant that I read the word ‘Bartlett’ my father-in-law said the word ‘Bartlett’ as in the surname of someone in the family tree. 3. Back to the electronic word-finder. I was in the process of doing a crossword and searching for words that fitted a certain combination of letters. The TV was on in the background. At the exact instant that the word ‘bathtub’ appeared on the display a person on the TV said the word ‘bathtub’ - not ‘bath’ but the whole word, ‘bathtub’. The examples above are just three of many that have occurred over the course of the last two decades. Many times a word will be said by someone else in the room (or on the TV) at the exact instant that I am separately reading/seeing that same word. These occurrences happen in phases – each phase lasting a few days and then none at all for a few months! Slightly different to the above: This occurred about 30 years ago. 4. Whilst watching Saturday afternoon ‘Grandstand’ on TV I suddenly had an impulse to move forward to the TV screen and touch the nose of the male presenter – why I would do this I have no idea! But as I touched his nose he raised his hand and momentarily rubbed it – in perfect synchronisation to me touching it. The whole experience made me jump back in surprise! And more recently: 5. I was in the queue for the carwash (next in line!) and, as I was idly watching the car wash washing the car in front, I started to think what one would do if the carwash broke down whilst still in it. As I looked at the machine I pondered what the options would be if this was to happen – and slowly the carwash started to fail and it stopped in mid operation- trapping the occupant in her car. Fortunately I was able to bring this to the attention of the service station staff – without claiming responsibility!
Total votes: 197
Date submitted:Sat, 21 Jan 2012 18:07:14 +0000Coincidence ID:5655