Similarities in names, enrollment no, school, birthdate etc
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a guy at my university who had the same last name as mine, but i didnt take much notice until i was interested in the person myself.
then when i got to know him i found out lots of similarities.
he was in the same school i was once i.e Happy Home Secondary School in Karachi. my enrollment no at the university was the same as his AR-032 but he was in the senior batch.
his first name is the same as my father's combined with the same last name he has the same full name.
according to our numerology profile all the most important numbers in his profile and mine are exactly the same; expression number 6, destiny number 8.
i was wondering if this meant anything.
and there have been uncountable events where i coincidentally meet him just when i think of him.
my thesis research in my final year led me to the same topics he had been researching in his thesis, though my hypothesis and his had no link whatsoever.
then in my thesis jury the same jurer that had attended his jury.
Date submitted:Fri, 02 Nov 2012 15:17:30 +0000Coincidence ID:6659