reassuring coincidences in my life at times of stress and change
As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.
Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.
I have many reassuring and quirky coincidences in my life, particularly at times of major change and stress. When we bought our current home, the morning after we put a small deposit down to secure it, I was anxiously leafing my way through, what I thought was the classified directory looking for creche listings as I knew I would need to increase my hours of work to help pay for the mortgage and would need extra childcare. I was actually looking through the "C" listings of the residential telephone directory, which was spread out on the kitchen work-top when my husband phoned me from work.
As I spoke to him my eyes were drawn to my left index finger, which was pointing to a telephone listing on the open tel directory. The listing had an address on the street where we now live. There are only forty houses on our street and it is in a city of a population of more than a million.
The people at the address had moved house by the time we moved in to the street. I knew that their surname began with "C" but as they were no longer listed in the telephone directory for many years I thought I might have imagined the episode. Then at Christmas 2010, fifteen years later, a christmas card for them found it's way to our house !
I have another really good coincidence which reassured me when I was very anxious. My daughter then 17, took a very brave step to spend the summer as an au-pair with a french family we sourced through an agency. She wanted to improve her french and we couldn't afford a lot of the costly programmes such as spending a term in boarding school in France at the time. This way we only had to cover the cost of her flights. Everything went well. The family were great and she was in a beautiful meditteranean, island location. I told her that I would try to spend a week with her at the end of her stay and we could holiday together so she could really enjoy the island. I provisionally booked a flight with air-france on a friday and needed to confirm it by the following monday. I was a bit worried about the cost as we had a lot of expenses at the time and we were significantly overdrawn etc etc. Based on my experience of coincidence I said to my husband that I was hoping to get a reassuring signal to proceed over the weekend. It arrived early on the sunday morning, we were travelling to visit our sons who were at an irish language summer camp about two hundred miles away. I switched on the car radio at about nine am and almost the first word we heard was the name of the french island where my daughter was staying. I had tuned into a regular sunday morning radio show called "Sunday miscellany" which has a series of short narratives by irish literary and other figures. The narrator was reading a very poignant piece about her grandfather who had been raised on the french island where my daughter was staying and had run away from home and eventually settled in a coastal fishing town in Ireland.The narrator was finally making a trip to the french island herself to seek out her relatives and see where her grandfather was born and raised. My husband and I agreed that, that was all the reassurance I needed so I proceeded with my trip. The following Christmas, I received a random gift from a relative, who knew nothing about this story, of a book of all the stories, broadcast on "sunday miscellany" for the year. It contained a printed version of the excerpt about the french island that had reassured me, that I should go !
I have had very many such very clear and specific coincidences throughout my life that I would love to check out the probability of the number of coincidences and also particular coincidences such as those described, which are good examples.
Two of my now adult children are research scientists and they take a scientific / mathematical view of these co-incidences. I like to have an open mind and welcome the comfort of a reassuring coincidence.
Within the sequence of ten digits of my mobile phone number are the final two digits of the year of birth of my three children. I checked out my siblings' and friends' mobile numbers and I can't find any one with more than one year of birth of a child, in their tel number.
Date submitted:Thu, 19 Apr 2012 23:36:55 +0000Coincidence ID:6271