Phone number has the same numbers

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My boyfriend and I have always had 11:11 and 2.22 appear constantly and have both been fascinated by synchronicity of events and felt connected on a spiritual level even over vast distances. We have been separated by circumstances and I haven't had contact with him for over two months. I can however feel his presence every now and then and know we will be reunited soon. We feel we have known each other in a past life and so it doesn't feel that bad to wait to see each other as we know we have plenty of time, perhaps next life! For some reason I can never remember his cell phone number and don't have it stored in my phone (its a long story but I try to resist calling him and that's the best way for me). This morning I tried and tried to remember the number but just couldn't for the life of me. (I have easily remembered it before and have been ringing it for two years. ). I had to wait until I got to work to check his number. I remembered reading an article about soul mates or twin flames having unusual coincidences, one of the examples given was similar phone numbers. I never even thought to compare ours. I wrote down his number and my number (each 10 digits long) and all the numbers except one, are exactly the same. Nine numbers match but in a different order. The two numbers that don't match are one at the beginning of my number, and the one at the end of his. I think that is a big coincidence.
Total votes: 395
Date submitted:Thu, 16 Jul 2015 05:49:41 +0000Coincidence ID:8171