Ongoing, Frequent, Coincidental Occurances

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

These occur so often I have begun documenting~mostly a thought or image of a word, a person, an event and within hours, usually, that experience reappears in some form. Only this morning, I glanced at the phone, had a sense it would ring and who was calling and I was exact. Oddly, I was speaking of a missing hubcap to our camp trailer to someone....that night, someone had lost one, and it was in my front lawn the following morning. Same color as the missing one. On another evening, I was commenting to a family member how grateful I was she had found my missing black pair of pants. The next morning, I found someone's old pair of black pants lying in our driveway behind my car. Strong thoughts of an old friend and a vanilla perfume she had gifted me, we had not seen/spoken in almost 3 yrs. In the mail the following day, was an invitation from her to a social event. I sifted through an old collection of post cards/stationary, and came across one from the Madonna Inn in S. Ca-2 days later, a Trip Advisor notice appeared in my e-mail account featuring that destination for me to review to vacation. Joined 3 others to shop for 300 people for an annual dinner event. As the others loaded up in back of truck hundreds of items, I suddenly asked if anyone remembered the grated cheese. It had been checked off the list in the store but was forgotten. Purchased steamer clams for a meal & same day I randomly recorded Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs featured Geoducks, and same day, Yahoo featured "how to cook with clams" on my home page. Recent discussions re:a family member traveling to VA soon, turned on Family Guy at random, featured VA location in that episode. Watched random movie, "Terror on the Beach"-mistakenly thought Dennis Weaver was Micheal Gross-corrected, then random next movie I watched, "Awake to Danger", coincidentally starred Micheal Gross, same day. Paused movie, "it Waits" and switched to an Animal Planet african gray talking parrot, Einstein, perform-within a second after I restarted "It Waits" movie, camera shot was close up of an african gray parrot featured in the movie not previously shown. Had left Santa Barbara a year or so ago, and was strongly thinking about a high school class mate-the next day at a local mall, in Eugene, Oregon at a photography shop, she was there, shopping. We had had no contact whatsoever since I left CA. Friend of a cancer pt we both were close to, I was thinking heavily about-next day, she phoned-we had not talked since the death of our friend, two years prior. There are other incidents, these are just some very recent ones as my awareness of them seems to be heightened within recent months. It is good for me to see that other people seem to have similar, rather unexplained happenings. Thank you for this forum where I can list a few recent ones going on with me.
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Date submitted:Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:54:33 +0000Coincidence ID:7691