Memorial Cactus

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

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On January 3, 1995, while working as a cab driver in Las Vegas, the terrorist Terry Nichols hired my cab and he informed me of the plot. I didn't believe him and although the authorities were informed by others, the tragedy still happened. In April 1995, I planted a beavertail cactus and dedicated it as a memorial for the victims, as they plant a tree in Israel for the Holocaust victims. Said a brief prayer, and thought this would be all their was to it. April 13, 1995 was the first blossoming. April 19, the second, April 13, the third and on April 1, 2000, the fourth in consecutive years. Being an amatuer historian, I can understand its significance. April 13 was Thomas Jefferson's birthday, April 19, the begining of the Revolutionary War, Waco, the Warsaw Ghetto, and Oklahoma City. A very bloody date in human history, April 13, 1n 1999 and April 1, 2000 was April Fools Day. Terry Nichols was born on that day. One of the things I admired about Jefferson was he expanded the U.S> without war, only one of an handfull of people in all human history who accomplished that. Terry Nichols was afraid of an asteroid striking our Earth in 2026, beginning an "Armegeddeon". I asked God this question, "If Nichols is right, have the next blossoming happen on April 19, if I am right and nothing like that will happen until 2050 or maybe never, let the next one blossom on April 13. As you may recall, in the year 2000 many people thought the world would end. Since, the third blossoming happened April 13, I laughed at them. Also any historian knows the millenium fears aren't in the Bible and Jesus was probably born 4 B.C., so the millinium date should be 1996. As you also may recall Tim McVeigh, wore a quote from Jefferson, that Jefferson himself would have regretted saying. He was horrified that the French Revolution cost so many innocent lives. In no way would that great President supported McVeigh or Nichols. If they killed people (soldiers) in the name of tryanny, maybe but not such an un-American act. I believe, man was created with powers second only to angels (if there are any) or God is so we may prevent another asteroid destruction which science now knows extinguished the dinasaurs. It was discovered a few years ago we will have a close encounter with one on April 13, 2032. Maybe its to give us a scare, so we keep our space program funded. Sometimes, I think God creates coincidences for a reason to pique our curiosities for further research. One of the most amazing coincidences were the deaths of John Adams and Jefferson on July 4, 1832, 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independance which both crafted. Most people today do not honor history or the men and women who we should thank for giving us our blessed existance through their stuggles which most of us today couldn't endure. That I planted it and it blossomed seemingly to deliever a message, tends to prove sychronicity not just a theory to Carl Jung and others. ing to prove sychronicity
Total votes: 317
Date submitted:Tue, 07 May 2013 17:57:22 +0000Coincidence ID:6902