As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.
Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.
Hi my name is Mike, I am now 68 yrs old, but when I was very young (12), in 1957 my family moved from Dublin, Ireland to Worcester, Massachusetts. this is a lengthy story but I must give you some details. Three years later we moved to Los Angeles., this being the early sixties and me being a free spirit I left home and went to San Francisco to sample some flower power. From there I traveled extensively, not returning to L.A. for about 10 years. During which time my sister Dorothy married, but I had not met her husband.
I then traveled to Dublin for a holiday, liked it so much I decided to stay. Met my wife to be and we decided to marry. At this time I was looking for a house to purchase and found this tiny hamlet about 20 miles north of Dublin, just 12 houses and a pub, ideal spot. Six months later we were married and moved into the house. At which time we met our neighbours next door, Ken and Patricia. as we got to know each other some coincidences emerged, just simple things like his family and mine both left Ireland in 1957. but his family went to South Africa. But then his dad moved the family to California, however Ken rather than go to the states returned to Ireland. As our families grew we became good friends. Five years later my sister in California phoned to say she was coming for a holiday, but that she would be going to Kerry to visit her husbands family for the first week and then would stay with us for the second week as we lived near Dublin airport, where they would be departing from. I told my neighbour Ken about this, and he told me this was a coincidence as his brother was also home on holiday. Needless to say his brother is married to my sister but believe it or not neither of us cottoned on. There is actually more to this. The following weekend Ken packed his wife and kids into the car and headed to Kerry to meet his brother whom he had not seen for many years. while he was on his way there, his brother and my sister decided to travel to Dublin a day early. They stayed with us for a few days and headed off to California. At the weekend Ken returns and tells us the story about missing his brother. We were still none the wiser until about a week or so later when I realized my sisters married name was the same as my neighbours.
Date submitted:Fri, 21 Dec 2012 02:40:48 +0000Coincidence ID:6728