Electric convulsive Coincidence
As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates.
understandinguncertainty.org was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.
Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.
I started my nursing training last year, while on my first placement, I visited an Electric convulsive treatment (ECT) suite at another hospital to do escort training-to prepare for the event of taking a patient to ECT (I had only recently realised while on placement that this treatment is still used-and was a little skeptical about it, but interested at the same time). while in the training (with other team members who accompanied me from my placement) there was a door open in the room that lead to some beds where patients would have the treatment. I looked up and saw my brother wave at me from that room!! I was very shocked at seeing him, then he walked past with a doctor-and said to me mums in the waiting room. One of my collegues noticed this interaction and said 'do you know him?' -I said yes he's my brother. I hoped that he wasn't having the treatment, and through the rest of my training this is all I could think of. My brother had been depressed for a while but seemed to be improving slightly, I had no idea he was being offered or wanted ECT. After the training I met up with my mum and brother and found out it was a first appointment to disscuss the treatment, and he has not decided if to have it, he asked me my opinion, I said it was up to him, but that I also thought his mood had improved so maybe leave the treatment, unless he becomes worst. He did not have ECT, and thankfully but maybe strangely got better and better from that day.It may have been a tipping point? But still I think it was meant to be that at the same day/time we bumped into each other on such a pivital moment.
It was in a different area from my placement, and it was the first time he had visited that hospital.
Also on my second placement which was in a completely different hospital again-I had arranged to do a depot clinic-which was back on my previous placement hospital, it was a weds, when I was being showed around, I saw through the window of a psychatrists interview room -my brother! Again! Just another weird coincidence-as we were there the same day and time again-but in different hospitals-I had no control over days or times-this was mayb not as profound as first coincidence encounter.
Date submitted:Tue, 17 Apr 2012 23:49:26 +0000Coincidence ID:6265