Miraculously, we found each other late in life… we had raised our families, had our careers. I did not even know he existed, (though he did know of me) but on the Venn diagram of our lives, we had been treading adjacent paths and circling each other through all my growing up years.
But the big miracle – call it karma – had us both, 400 miles apart, independently turning on our computers on the same day, at the same time, and using the same dating site – one that enabled us, finally, to meet. He spotted me 'watching' his dating profile... read MY profile, realised he knew who I was - and got in touch. He had been living in North Wales for around 30 years. And once we’d met, to chat and discover each other and laugh at the sheer wonder of it all for months…
When at last we met face to face, I thought he looked plump, dour and glum. But our shared memories of Cornish childhoods, of common experiences, of familiar characters and much-loved sayings, soon broke through our fragile surface shells and found us loving and longing for the same things. We laughed – often – at the same things.