Everything here is true, but I changed the woman's name for privacy reasons.
In 2012 I became acquainted with a woman through the salon she owned. As a client, I saw her once every 4-6 weeks. Our conversations were typical small talk; we never socialized outside the salon.
I had only known her a few months when the first coincidence occurred. I woke up around 2 a.m. with a very specific visual image followed by a very specific thought concerning the owner of the salon. I had an overwhelming feeling I was suppose to write it down so I would remember to ask her. And too, I was suppose to record the date as it was important. I climbed out of bed, retrieved my cell phone, and made a notation in my phone's Note app since it time and date stamps each note.
When I woke later, I dismissed it as absurd and never called her. But at my next appointment a couple of weeks later, I said to her, "Claire, this is going to sound crazy, but is there something about you and the water?" She responded, "No. Not really. I like dolphins." Feeling stupid, I apologized for the odd question and fell silent.