Back around 2002 I worked as a creative director for a photography company in South London... One morning whilst at work, I suddenly had a strong feeling to check my bank account.....after about half an hour I still had the feeling so decided to log in to my online bank account, something I very rarely did and never had done at work... When I logged in, I discovered to my shock that £1000 had gone from my account the very same morning.
I rang my bank immediately and informed them of the missing money. They told me that 30minutes to an hour before, I had purchase a dress for £600 and Television for £400. Very strange I thought... I told them that there was no way it was me and they immediately stopped my card and told me not to worry too much as I was insured and would receive the money back. That put me at ease somewhat but it still made my question how I could receive such gut feelings around the very moment my card was being used...
After thinking about things I remembered that a few days previous, perhaps a week, I had gone to a restaurant in Clapham with a friend....