I was a college in the 60s and met a new friend called Pete. I also met my future wife, Val.
We were married in 1970 and my best man, Richard, was an old school friend who had no connnection with our college. Although Pete was at the wedding if Pete and Richard met it would only have been in passing.
By the late 70s both Richard and Pete were married, and both subsequently had daughters, in the same school year. Both were called Catherine. One lived in Bristol, one in Poole.
18 years late both Catherines applied to study opthalmics at university. They met at one university whilst awaiting interview, and remembered each othe because they had the same name. Some weeks later they met again, awaiting interview at a different university. (This is probably not a coincidence since I imagine interviews are scheduled on the same day). On starting university, they discovered that they had both chosen the second college, and they became firm friends, to such an extent that they decided to share digs during the second year and visited each other's houses during the vacations.