After 13 years of sharing my life with him, including a long term illness, my husband passed away. His passing had caused a lot of turmoil and I found myself completely left alone, grieving. After the funeral, there was literally nobody in my direct environment (neighbours, family, old study friends) who showed unselfish compassion. Everybody seemed to have a hidden agenda, whishing me as a baby sitter (study friend), a health carer (family) investment banker (family/neighbours) or worse, potential wife. I struggled everyday to set boundaries, reinvent my life and find meaning. The one thing that kept me going was a little prayer my late husband used to favor: "Mon Dieu, aidez-moi, mon avir est si petit et votre mer si grande."
One day, only 1,5 month later, I hesitantly decided to join this annual rowing trip, organized by the rowing club which I joined for 2 years. The year before, I got so frozen during this trip, it had caught me the flew. However, this year, the weather was sunny and shiny. So I went.
I got selected in a boat with 2 other rowers, which I didn't know, but who seemed to know eachother for a long time – from childhood.