I am Tom, from Bradley Stoke, just north of Bristol. In 2007, I met a girl at a gig in Bristol, Kirsty, who is now my fiancee. We quickly developed a close relationship and as we did, discovered more about each other. We were both from Bristol - fairly likely considering where we met ! Kirsty told me she was from a reasonably large suburb of Bristol called Horfield. I noted that my mother had been born in Horfield and my grandparents and great-grandparents had lived there - not unremarkable really. She went on to tell me she lived in a road - one of the smallest in the area at roughly 40 houses - called Hottom Gardens. Unbelievably, this was in fact the road my great-grandparents lived in, the road my grandfather was raised in, the road my mother visited every week. A pretty unlikely coincidence. I then asked my mother what number my family had lived at - number 3. I asked Kirsty what number she lived at . . . you guessed it, she lived at number 3 Hottom Gardens - my great-grandparents' home for over 50 years. A mind-boggling coincidence. Futhermore, Kirsty's bedroom had been my grandfather's bedroom in the 1930s and 40s.