Many years ago I was awakend in the night by an old boyfriend who appered to be sitting at the end of my bed smiling at me.
I hadn't seen or heard from him for well over 7 years, and hadn't given him much thought either. He was Hungarian and I had spent the best part of 2 years flying backwards and forwards to Budapest to see him, as he was not allowed to come to the West, because at that time, Hungary was still behind the 'Iron curtain'.
His vision that night was extremely powerful and I was quite shaken by it. I mentioned it to my work colleagues the next day and then tried to forget about it. Two days later when I arrived home, I found a crumpled piece of paper pushed through my letterbox, with a message from him, to say he was in London on business for a few days, and would love to catch up. He still had my address and had come to find me. When we met up the next day, I told him about the vision I had experienced and he said he had been thinking about me for most of the flight, that very night when 'he' woke me up!
Maybe this is more of an ESP experience......?