Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Early Morning Drinking

in the days when the post came at 7.30 in the morning, my boyfriend and i had just got up, and i had put the kettle on. I asked him if he wanted tea or coffee, and as a joke,I said i would have a rum and coke. The doorbell rang and the postman handed me a parcel.Inside was a small can of ready mixed rum and coke.It was an advertising gimmick.What is even stranger is that I have never touched alcohol in my life, and really was only joking!

flat tire...

Going to high school here in Los Angeles I had a flat tire and changing it made me late for school. Running through the green in the center of the school I heard my name was my girlfriend in one of the trees on the green. She was supposed to be in Massachusettes at Wellesley College !! She had dropped out without telling anyone and just gotten back to L.A. an hour before and came to the school in hopes of seeing me during the lunch hour. Had I not had the flat tire we would never had met so strangely that morning.

Grandchilds birthday

I work for a motorfactors in Cornwall as a delivery driver. On Dec 10 2009 a customer asked for a industrial fan to be delivered to their site which we had sold to them but had been storing until they needed it. On arrival to their site, for the first time, with the delivery at approx 2.00pm, I went to their office and asked where they wanted me to offload the item. There was about 10 people in the office but nobody new anything about this delivery and began ringing allover the site trying to find who had called my workplace. After about 10 to 15 mins of waitng around I was about ready to give up and continue with my run when a guy arrived in the office and asked if I was delivering his fan. At last I thought, and with his help promptly unloaded the fan and gave him the invoice, he signed for it, and I left site. The firms name was Sita, a large recycling company. What I haven't told you is that our daughter was expecting our first grandchild and the birth was slightly overdue. At 4.00pm my wife called me to say our daughter had given birth by C section to a baby girl just after 2.00pm. What's the babies name I asked. Sita she replied.


I have lived in North Bucks for 50 years. My nephew David grew up and lived in Wales till he graduated. Then he got a job in Brussels where he met a young lady, Antonia, a financial journalist. In August this year I went to the 60th birthday party of a local friend and there met her oldest friend of some 40 years standing, who had lived all over the UK and abroad. Whilst chatting, she mentioned her daughter who worked in financial journalism. To fill the conversation I said that my nephew had a financial journalist girlfriend whom he met in Brussels. "Not called Antonia?" said my new acquaintance. I confirmed it was so and it turns out the daughter met David and Antonia while she herself was in Brussels and they were friends. What are the chances!

Birth and Death Coincidence

I was born on August 17th 1939; my only child was born on August 17th 1968. I remarried in the 70's and my second husband always made a joke of the fact that August 17th was my special day as, being an avid reader of fiction I always pointed out the fact that that date often figured in the plot. He used to sarcastically say that anything important was bound to happen on August 17th. He died suddenly and unexpectedly aged 58, of an Abdominal,Aeortic Aneurism, on August 17th 1996, thus ensuring that that date could never be truly celebrated again.

A French coincidence

On holiday in Paris standing by Sacre Coeur talking about how I wished I had paid more attention in French lessons while at school. Turned around and saw my old French teacher - Madame Laurent!!! Had left school years before and never seen her either before or after this.

(almost) impossible encounter

I live in London. The event happened in May 2010, I was travelling with my wife and my child in Boston (Massachussets) for our holidays. Our journey was not associated to any professional activity. I was visiting a friend with whom I did (some) of my studies in Paris. During our visit our friends suggested us to visit the Museum of Natural History of Havard University in Cambridge. During my visit, I suddenly and unpexpectedly came across a person with whom I have some regular professional contacts and relations. This person is American, he is a physician from California. He currently works and lives in Tokyo. He happened to study chemistry in Havard and was invited by the Alumni to celebrate a special anniversary at the Havard University. He was taking the opportunity of his journey in Havar to visit the same museum. We were both in complete disbelief (it took me several hours to get over this incredible experience). We have of course taken a picture to celebrate and immortalise this almost improbable encounter.

A holiday coincidence

On holiday in Austria with parents. Out for walk with mum. Dad stayed in hotel room reading on balcony. Called out "Arthur" underneath the balcony to attract his attention. A man appeared a couple of balconies further along to see who was caling him. Turned out he too was called Arthur and lived half a mile away in the same town in England. Not only this we knew the family!!!! Bizarre or what! Talked about this one for years.

Message in a book

My sister Pip was a great reader of books, from childhood onwards. We had an aunt, Jean, who gave us lots of books (but not this one). Pip read The Stone Cage in childhood, loved it and, as an adult, was on the lookout for a copy. She visited secondhand bookshops regularly (this was before the days of Ebay and Amazon). One day she found what she'd been searching for - a copy of The Stone Cage. She opened it up and read on the flyleaf 'To Pip, with love from Jean'. She didn't buy it as she said it felt too weird.

same road

My sister was travelling up from Tavistock in Devon to St Albans in Hertfordshire to attend the funeral of our mum in March 2003. The traffic on the M5 came to a halt because of an accident, and many of the drivers got out to stretch their legs. She got talking to the person in the next car, who asked where my sister was heading - her reply to a town near London, 'oh yes, where?', ' Hertfordshire. The person said, 'oh yes, where?', a place called St Albans, 'really, I know St Albans, where abouts in St Albans?' Well it is a little village that you would not have heard of, just on the outskirts of St Albans', 'Oh yes, where', 'A place called St Michaels Village', 'really, I know St Michaels Village', 'what road?' 'it is called Blacksmiths Lane', 'oh really, I know Blacksmiths Lane, where abouts?' Well my mother lived at the end of Blacksmiths Lane, and I am going up to her funeral.' 'Well my uncle is probably going too, because he lives at the other end of Blacksmiths Lane'. Who it transpires we all know, and has lived in his house all his life (he is about 92 now).
