In 1991 I was in New Zealand climbing in the mountains, I stayed in one of the mountain huts and met Emily, another hill walker from Lewes, E. Sussex, England, We then went separate ways. When we both came down out of the mountains she was stopping with a family in Glenorchy that were good friends of mine, so I got to see her again. She was only stopping in Glenorchy a few days so she left and carried on backpacking around New Zealand and I stayed in Glenorchy untill it was time to leave New Zealand. I went Indonesia and spent three months backpacking ending in Northern Sumatra. I was in a Urang Utan sanctuary relaxing for a few days before I left for Malaysia. While walking along a road I thought I heard a familiar vioce, it sounded like Emily! I looked where it was coming from and she looked like Emily. She was talking to a man that I had got to know, so I walked over to them, if it wasn't Emily then I could ask the man something and wouldn't feel embaressed. If it was Emily, then what would be the chances of that happening! I walked over to them and it was Emily!