Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Mrs B. H

For the last two to three years, I have noticed that when I look at the time on a digital clock, it often shows: 11:11, 1:11, 12:12, 14:14 etc. 11:10 is often seen. I awoke during the night, two nights running and looked at my clock. Both nights showed 1:11... I also notice the time, text messages are sent. These often have the same pattern. (I laughed once as I noticed 13:11. Then realised that would also be 1:11 too!) I typed in 11:11 once and found a link to a site: I am a creative person and very observant. Maybe I am drawn to the time on clocks because of the pattern? I do not know.

My wonderful father was with us

My father died on 10th October 2003 at the age of 90. He was the most wonderful man, truly loved by everybody who knew him. For his funeral I had chosen one of his favourite pieces of music, the Barcarole from Offenbach's Tales of Hoffman. His two grand-daughters were a constant source of pride to him, but due to the ever increasing influence of the dementia which started taking hold of him ten years previously, his memory was of course not what it may have been. But he still had bright "sparks". My oldest daughter, Miriam, had completed her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award in the summer of 2003, but my father had never been aware of her success (although he had been of her bronze and silver). I went with her to St James Palace in November 2003 to receive her award from the Duke of Edinburgh. Because I wanted my father to be with us, in spirit at least, I wore my kilt (made of ancient Duncan tartan - my father's name being Duncan) and matching long scarf. I noticed that there was a brass band playing outside of the Hall where the presentations were to be made.


When my husband was at sea our letters would cross due to distance and my letters had to go via London office. Often he would have written on the same subject as I had written. Telepathy or coincidence? Without even knowing what my daughter and I are giving each other at Christmas, we always exchange the same gift, e.g. handbag, scarf. When she was buying a kitten for me and was describing its colour over the telephone, grey and white sploges, I said "I will call it Smokie". She replied "That is they name I have thought of". As far as I can remember I have foretold three occasions that had either happened or would happen in my life. 'I did not want to marry a man with a 9-5 job. ' This thought came to me whilst standing on Dublin Station. A few months later I met my husband, a junior office in the M.N. Years later as he was returning to sea to trade on the West African coast, I foretold he would be on the Continent for Christmas.

Spare wheel down a roadside bank

In 1985 I was taking my parents from Bishop's Waltham in Hampshire to Stalbridge in Dorset in my Renault 4. Before we set off I removed the punctured spare wheel from the back of my car. My father's rule was "Never go anywhere without a spare". If he had known he wouldn't have come. On a stretch of country road at Corfe Mullen the inevitable happened and I got a puncture. On the opposite side of the road to where we had stopped was a tea caravan. My father and I stood in the queue so as to ask where the nearest 'phone box was situated so that I could contact the AA. My father was fuming with me. Whilst standing there I glanced down the bank to the field below. I noticed some old car wheels. I looked closer and I discerned a tyre and wheel with only 3 stud holes for affixing. It was a Renault wheel. I felt the worn tyre. It was inflated! I dragged the wheel up to the car and it was precisely the right wheel!!

Plate crash

My wife phoned me at work to say, her Father, who lived with us and who had been ill for some time was very near death and asked me if I would finish early and collect the children from Scool while she went to sit with her Dad at the hospital. I collected the kids and took them home and began making some food for them. In those days we had a cooker with a plate rack at eye level either side of the grill. Suddenly a plate in the rack broke and went crashing to the the floor. While cleaning up the mess the phone rang. It was my wife to tell me her Dad had just died.

Strangers on a bus

May 2011 in Taba Heights (Egypt) we met a couple we didn't know through snorklng. We didn't keep in touch. In September that year we also went to Skiathos (Greece) and caught a very crowded bus into town for a boat trip. As we squeezed onto the bus my wife felt somebody grab her arm - yes the husband of the same couple also going on a boat trip (though not the same one). They were staying 2 miles away from our apartment. Needless to say we met up and had dinner the following night and have now kept in touch. People have met others they have known abroad, I don't know of many who have met a couple they didn't know in two different countries in the same year.

'Oh Brother'

15 years ago I had to phone a customer back with some information. He had given me his direct line phone number and when dialing I inadvertantly reversed two of the digits. The phone was answered by my brother. The customer was in Cramlington, Northumberland and my brother was in the workshop at his depot in Birley, Co Durham. My brother did not even know the phone was linked to an outside line as the workshop staff could only use it to the internal switchboard. It took a long time to convince him it was a spooky coincidence, and not a wind up.

meeting a friend again

In 1991 I was in New Zealand climbing in the mountains, I stayed in one of the mountain huts and met Emily, another hill walker from Lewes, E. Sussex, England, We then went separate ways. When we both came down out of the mountains she was stopping with a family in Glenorchy that were good friends of mine, so I got to see her again. She was only stopping in Glenorchy a few days so she left and carried on backpacking around New Zealand and I stayed in Glenorchy untill it was time to leave New Zealand. I went Indonesia and spent three months backpacking ending in Northern Sumatra. I was in a Urang Utan sanctuary relaxing for a few days before I left for Malaysia. While walking along a road I thought I heard a familiar vioce, it sounded like Emily! I looked where it was coming from and she looked like Emily. She was talking to a man that I had got to know, so I walked over to them, if it wasn't Emily then I could ask the man something and wouldn't feel embaressed. If it was Emily, then what would be the chances of that happening! I walked over to them and it was Emily!

Mrs Gaby L

My wonderful father was with us My father died on 10th October 2003 at the age of 90. He was the most wonderful man, truly loved by everybody who knew him. For his funeral I had chosen one of his favourite pieces of music, the Barcarole from Offenbach's Tales of Hoffman. His two grand-daughters were a constant source of pride to him, but due to the ever increasing influence of the dementia which started taking hold of him ten years previously, his memory was of course not what it may have been. But he still had bright "sparks". My oldest daughter, Miriam, had completed her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award in the summer of 2003, but my father had never been aware of her success (although he had been of her bronze and silver). I went with her to St James Palace in November to receive her award from the Duke of Edinburgh. Because I wanted my father to be with us, in spirit at least, I wore my kilt (made of ancient Duncan tartan - my father's name being Duncan) and matching long scarf. I noticed that there was a brass band playing outside of the Hall where the presentations were to be made.

J.A. F

while booking a cruise holiday in a local travel agent's, the customer in front of me was a former work colleague. When I took my place with the agent she said that that was the first time she had people knowing each other booking the same cruise at the same time. Once on board the ship I met with the couple I knew. Nearing the end of the cruise I went to the pursers office with a query. The purser came from the same country as myself. I asked where he stayed, Glasgow. whereabouts? the southside.whereabouts? Giffnock.whereabouts? such and such a street, two streets from my own address. I then told him of the couple I met and where we worked. He said my brother worked there, it turned out that his brother worked with me and was still in contact with the couple I knew on the cruise.
