My life is filled with bizarre coincidences every week which I have become so used to that I barely note them any longer. However, one particularly convoluted and strange one does come to mind.
Some years ago, a good friend, who lives in Mauritius, went travelling (as he does for several weeks each year). On this occasion he visited the Galapagos Islands. On the island there is a large barrel in which the Whalers of old would place letters or cards, the idea being that if anyone who followed were to be visiting the area to which the correspondence was addressed after leaving the islands, they would take the card or letter and deliver it. My friend observed this tradition and took a postcard which had been placed in the barrel, addressed to someone named "Berry English" in Southfields, near Wimbledon, wishing him a happy 21st Birthday. My friend had family in Croydon and was travelling there next. Unfortunately, he forgot to deliver the card on that trip and two years later, at the end of another visit to the UK, he met with my partner and I for lunch at our home in Wimbledon. He asked if we would deliver the card, which we agreed to do.