Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

New Year Astonishment

Before telling my story I will give some facts. There are about 140,000 people living in the King's Lynn area of Norfolk. Leicester is about 65 miles away as the crow flies and has about 115,000 homes. Nottingham and Northampton are about the same distance away and Grimsby, Lincoln, Peterborough, Bedford, Cambridge, Ipswich, Norwich and many other towns and villages are within a 65 mile radius of King's Lynn, so there must be many hundreds of thousands of homes in this area. At a New Year's Eve party in King's Lynn I met a man who told me that he had spent Christmas with his daughter in Leicester . . . Me: Oh yes. I was born and grew up in Leicester. Whereabouts does she live? He: In Knighton. Me: That's interesting. It's where I grew up. Which road? He: Brookhill Road. Me: Well I never! I spent my childhood there. What number? He: 29. Me: But . . . but . . . that's the very house! We then discussed the special features of the house. From a populatiun of 140,000 or so I had met the man whose daughter had come to live in that particular house, one of hundreds of thousands of possible homes.

Army Coat Hanger

My Mom had just arrived on holiday in Portugal, when putting clothes away in the wardrobe she noticed a wooden coat hanger with her maiden name printed on it. On closer inspection she realized it belonged to her brother as it also had his Army service number on it, he was amazed to get it back after almost 40 years!

Reiki Master

I have a friend who is a Reiki master, during treatment you require peace and quiet. i live in a Cul-de-sac of 10 houses, one day while she was performing Reiki on me the re-cycle van was in the Court emptying the re-cycle bins. During all the clutter and clanging that was happening outside, I inwardly thought "I wish that noise would stop". (not in those exact words!). When we went outside later in the day, everyone's re-cycle bin had been emptied - except mine!


In 1999 while on a year travelling, I was living in the YMCA Fremantle Western Australia. Bored one evening, I scanned the shelves of books that had been left behind by other travellers. I took one down and had a look at the contents - the first page was stamped "Edinburgh City Libraries, Newington Branch". This was the obscure suburban library that I grew up using.

Lost shoes

I took my husband's shoes to be re-soled, and then forgot about them until he reminded me a couple of weeks later. I went to the shoe menders with my receipt. They said they had already been picked up! I disputed this and showed them that I still had the receipt, but they were adamant that the shoes had been picked up. They had to reimburse me, but a fraction of the cost of the shoes (really expensive Barkers). Sometime later - amonth or so- I was at work in the charity shop in Teddington, where I volunteered one day a week, when a woman came in to the shop with a donation - of a pair of shoes. Barkers, size 10, with a splodge on the heel, where I had spilt nail varnish! She handed them into my hands. My husband's shoes! Then she disappeared.

Film Coincidence

Watched the film 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure' for the first time in over 10 years so my nephews could watch it. A day later i downloaded what turned out to be the last ever 'As it occurs to me' podcast and how and behold there was a Bill and Ted reference.

Bumping into people(2)

I have travelled widely, both here in the UK and around the world. I prefer to explore off the beaten track using only a locally purchased map and my nose for adventure. As a result I often get a little lost and find myself standing at junctions trying to work out what to do next. On literally thousands of occasions I have, at such times, inadvertently obstructed or bumped into other pedestrians. On nearly every occasion (see my earlier post for the one and only exception) the other person has been a complete stranger with no connection to me whatsoever! Is this a coincidence?

Bumping into people(1)

15 years ago, while conducting research (into Bayesian reasoning as luck would have it) I briefly worked in a research depertment in Sweden with another researcher. Five years later I was visiting Hong Kong and, while trying to read a map at a large road junction in Kowloon, I inadvertently stepped backwards, bumping into another pedestrian. Turning round to apologise I found it to be the same researcher I had worked with five years earlier in Sweden. We had not travelled together and had no reason in common to be in Hong Kong. [see my second coincidence]

Postcards on the Edge of Reason

My life is filled with bizarre coincidences every week which I have become so used to that I barely note them any longer. However, one particularly convoluted and strange one does come to mind. Some years ago, a good friend, who lives in Mauritius, went travelling (as he does for several weeks each year). On this occasion he visited the Galapagos Islands. On the island there is a large barrel in which the Whalers of old would place letters or cards, the idea being that if anyone who followed were to be visiting the area to which the correspondence was addressed after leaving the islands, they would take the card or letter and deliver it. My friend observed this tradition and took a postcard which had been placed in the barrel, addressed to someone named "Berry English" in Southfields, near Wimbledon, wishing him a happy 21st Birthday. My friend had family in Croydon and was travelling there next. Unfortunately, he forgot to deliver the card on that trip and two years later, at the end of another visit to the UK, he met with my partner and I for lunch at our home in Wimbledon. He asked if we would deliver the card, which we agreed to do.

Birthday Coincidence

I moved to Holland a guy randomly knocked on my door to ask about my house We got chatting & turns out we were both pilots - both into motorcycles He then invited me on a trip (not really knowing me) as someone dropped out I coincidentally had time unexpectedly come free On that trip we discovered that we were not only born on the same day but also year!!! We have been friends over 10 years now & celebrated our 50th birthday together His wife birthday is 21st Jan he asked me if that was my partners, its not but I have only one sibling & she shares the same birthday Then I told him I was getting married & we had planned our wedding - he said don't tell me its the 6th July & it is! That's when he got married!!! This happens to me a lot! Adrian Herbert
