Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Hampstead Ponds

Years ago back in the 1980's I spent a couple of years living in London. I had been there a few months when I decided to go swimming at the ladies ponds in Hampstead. In the pond a woman came swimming up to me and I realised she was a good friend from University in Dunedin, NZ. I hadnt seen her for a couple of years and didnt know she was in the UK. It was a great meeting. I had a similiar encounter about the same time - wandering through one of the London markets in my lunch hour I bumped into another old Kiwi University friend - again I had lost touch and didnt know where she was living. Despite being such a big city I found two good friends quite by accident.

Googlewhack adventure

Sadly not my coincidence, but I always think of this when talking of coincidences. If you've not seen this show, it's Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure. The event is mentioned about 20 mins in (total estimate from memory). It's a great show!

Grandfathers worked together

My husband and I are were born in Australia. During WW1 his grandfather, Claude, (an engineer, who was also Australian) came over to England and worked as an engineer in a relatively small Vickers armaments factory in Birmingham. According to family history tales, my grandfather, William (an engineer, born and bred in Birmingham) also worked at Vickers during the war. This all seemed too unlikely until my sister-in-law found a photo of the staff of the factory (20 or so men) taken with her grandfather, Claude posing in the front row - and there was the proof - my grandfather very clearly appearing in the back row. After the war, Claude returned to Australia and had a family and my grandfather, William, eventually emigrated to New Zealand. When Wiliam's wife died and his own health broke down my mother (his daughter) went to live with relatives in Sydney where she married and I was born. 60 years after the end of WW1 my husband and I met and married in Sydney and, now, interestingly, live in England.

sad 48th birthday coincidence

My partner Steve was born on October 29 1950. His only brother Mark was born on March 31 1952. Their parents seperated early and they grew up with their mother. Mark never left home. On March 31 2000, Mark's 48th birthday, their mother died of breast cancer. Later I started looking into their family history and discovered (among other things) that their father died of cancer on October 29 1998, Steve's 48th birthday!

Names and Dates

Whist undergoing an indentured engineering apprenticeship during 1955 - 1960 several apprentice friends in my year were often mentioning a girl called Gwen, who was a friend of their girlfriends. Most of these friends lived in and around London, and I lived in Kent, so we never met up socially. However, one day my friend Colin in 1961 during a general conversation mentioned Gwen was getting married, having never met, I asked how old she was, (why I don’t know) During that year, I unfortunately had a motor cycle accident that put me into hospital for 12 weeks; followed by 12 weeks physiotherapy, also ending a relationship I was in. The road in which the accident took place was Gibbon Road, outside Nunhead Cemetery, where an elderly gentleman leaned over (I was lying on the road) and said don’t worry mate you don’t have far to go. Unbeknown to me at the time was that Gibbons was in fact Gwen's maiden name. Gwen married in March 1963 but separated some weeks later filing for divorce siting cruelty as the reason. For the 1963 August Bank Holiday all the above friends were arranging a camping holiday break at Newhaven, Sussex to which I was invited.

Meetings in London and Canada

In 1965 I looked for share accommodation in London. The occupants of an available flat weren't home when I arrived for an inspection. In front of the adjoining flat stood a young Australian man who informed me that his flat was the same, so invited me to look. I walked down a flight of stairs to the kitchen where a close neighbor from my hometown in Ballina Australia, who I hadn't seen for years, was cooking lunch, helped by another man who attended the same High school as myself. Years later I went to Banff in Canada to a mountain lookout where we ordered lunch at the cafe. The waiter noticed that we were Australians and said that he came from Armidale in NSW. My son attended University there, so upon mentioning his name I was told that they were in the same faculty. Soon after graduating they were surprised to find themselves obtaining employment at the same council. I happened to sit next to his wife when traveling by plane to visit my son!

Almost got Caught

A friend of mine had many cousins living in adjoining states. On one of his visits to these cousins, he asked me and 2 other guys to go along with him. It turned out to be a total blast. A good time was had by all, both guests and hosts. Word of our visit began to spread to other cousins and low and behold, we started getting invitations to visit other families. We went on 2 more visits and had an equally good time at each visit. It was totally amazing to me that these people would just open their doors (and hearts) to 3 guys that just happen to hang out with their relative. I never had the joy of having cousins, and I looked forward to these visits. My friend announced that we were invited to Pittsburgh for some big celebration at a local college. They have already arranged dates for us for a dance to held on Saturday night. This presented a problem for me. I had been dating a local girl, named Alice, for 6 months. I decided to go on the trip, but failed to mention to Alice about the date that was arranged for me. While talking with my friend, he mentioned that we were really going to a town out side of Pittsburgh called Penn Hills. I almost fainted.

crossed line

1976, I was appearing in theatre in Oldham, my boyfriend rang me from W.Hampstead, I was telling him about an acquaintance's child who had been diagnosed with hyperactive epilepsy (I assume a form of autism, a condition almost unknown then) knowing he had a friend with whom he was at Cambridge who was interested in this field, suddenly a voice broke in and said "is that Mike..?" It was the friend on a crossed line who had recognised his rather distinctive voice. Not only that - she was spending the evening with a colleague who specialized in the field and ran a clinic in London. I gave the details to the father expecting him to be really excited by this weird coincidence but , as far as I know, he didn't bother to follow it up.! Anne

purchase coincidence

My Mother and I regulary have the experience of phoning each other at the same time but the coincidence I wish to report is day I phoned her and said I had purchased a very unusual blouse,she said so had she (She lives in Ipswich and I live near Norwich) I said I was sure mine was more different than hers as mine was short at the front and had a long tail at the back. It turned out she had bought the same blouse at the same time but we were in different places!!! Another thing that was strange is that when I did my family research the things my distant relatives believed or did ,I do !


My son and I became estranged 12 years ago. We moved abroad but a couple of years later returned to London for a weekend. We happened to meet him in the street, near St. Martin's Lane, not an area that I used much when in London and he was walking from Victoria to Islington. We had coffee and a chat. In such a large city, what are the chances of meeting like this?
