Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Delivery to same road

I live in London and sold a bed.i delivered it to the address a couple of miles away---end of story, but no.a couple of days later I sold something on eBay ,when I checked I was going to the same road.the bidding was open to anyone in the world !


In 1992, after graduation from university, I went to teach English in Tokyo, Japan. My girlfriend, whom I had met at university in London (UCL) came with me and I stayed at her parents' house in NakaJujo. I had lived there for about 3 weeks when she and I decided to go to Roppongi for a drink. We were walking down the street talking. I was talking about my friends from university, some of whom she knew. One of them was called Simon. As we approached and entered the Gas Panic bar I was talking about Simon and when I opened the door Simon was sat there at the bar. Unbeknownst to me, he had also decided to live in Tokyo and go for a drink at that bar, on that same night. Some facts: Roppongi is the most popular place in Tokyo, and therefore Japan, for foreigners or 'gaijin' to hang out. If you were going to meet someone by co-incidence it would be in Roppongi. Gas Panic is / was one of 3 or 4 very popular bars for foreign tourists in Roppongi. Simon was not a very close friend at university (although we became much closer whilst living in Tokyo).


My boyfriend's mother passed away on the same day as my father. His son's birthday is the same day as my nephew.


My ex husband and current male companion share the same birthday

Repeatedly missed meetings.

I met a guy over the internet when I was 15. I lied about my age, (it was only a few days before my 16th birthday), went to Birmingham (I lived in Southampton) and met him at New Street. We hit it off, and went out for a year. After we broke up, a year or so later I went to look around Birmingham University. I bumped into him. Spent all day round his student house rather than researching the university. A few months later I went to a concert in Birmingham with my new boyfriend. I bumped into every single one of my ex's friends, but not him. I got invited to a barbecue with them, and found out they were going to the same concert. My tickets were in the same block, but the row behind theirs. (I also bumped into my ex between the concert and the barbecue.) A few years later, I received an email out of the blue from my ex - he had had a dream that I'd been seriously injured in a car crash - and realised it would have upset him if I wasn't ok. So he emailed me through ICQ. I got a message from the service after I hadn't logged in for a month, telling me that someone had tried to get in touch.

Times newspaper

Around 20 years ago, I went to Marlborough College Summer School, where I met a girl of the same age as me. She lived in London; I lived in Essex. We kept in contact as pen pals for some years afterwards. In one of her letters, she sent me a copy of her birth announcement from the Times (October 1979). Mine was immediately underneath.

Meeting at Dinner

Whilst at a week long statistical short course run at Bristol university there was an evening meal. Around about 30 people went to the meal and I sat done to one person I knew and another I had never met or talked to before. Eventually I started talking to this girl next to me who I did not know, and she asked me where I was from. I replied "the Reading area" which she obviously knew so I said "well a small village near by called Finchamsptead". She not only came from the same village as me (population around 12500) but also went to the same primary school as me (about 400 children). We were three years apart so were even at the same primary school at the same time!

weird re-encounter

In the early 1970s my wife and I were teaching in Ethiopia. We came to know a young Ethiopian university graduate, and his girl friend. When we returned to America in 1974 we said fond farewells, even donating my wife's wedding dress for their use, but because of the political turmoil in Ethiopia we thought it best not try to maintain contact. Flash forward to the summer of 1985. We and our two teenagers were taking a month-long vacation in Europe, culminating with a few days in London. Our daughter wanted to visit the shopping district, so she and my wife sought out Harrod’s while my son and I went to the British Museum. However, our daughter suddenly and desperately needed a bathroom. So they went into a McDonald’s restaurant. While my wife was waiting in line in the ladies’ room, a black woman approached her and hesitantly called her by name. She then identified herself as our friend from a decade earlier. She brought my wife and daughter to the eating area and presented them to her amazed husband. Incidentally, by this time our daughter had announced that she didn’t really need to use the bathroom after all. What were our one-time friends doing in London?

Walking about in Paris.

My friend and I left a bar in the early hours. We then started talking to a group on the corner of the street. My friend soon found out that he and one of the girls lived in the neighourhood he grew up in. After some delving it turns out that she was liiving in the house he liverd in and even had the same bedroom. My friend and I both go to university in Montreal. We then found out that she also did. It then turned out that she also lived on the same street as me in Montreal, almost 3500 miles away!

Official Family Birthday!

All three of my children were born on my birthday. My wife feels a bit left out! The odds of this are reduced by the fact that my eldest two are twins.
