Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

Two coincidences in print

Late November 1950 was a very wet period in Central Queensland with massive flooding. A distant cousin, Darcy McX was isolated on a patch of high ground by floods for several days with another relative and food was dropped to them from an aircraft. He survived well and is still living in the general district. The story passed into faqmily legend. In 1996 the Canberra Times newspaper published it's 70th anniversary edition with several facsimile pages from old editions. I bought the newspaper as usual and blow me down, there was a story about Darcy and the flood in one of the fascimile pages. </p> <p>Longer ago than I care to think about I worked for a few months in Ramsay Street, Cloncurry, in north west Queensland. The main business part of the street had an electrical goods and furniture shop on one side with a bank on its right. Across the street from the bank was a vacant patch of land where a pub had burnt down a few months before, while the left side of this vacant patch had a general business, men's hairdresser, billiard saloon and the right side had a Chrysler motor agency.

More found objects and a chance meeting

I don't set a lot of store by stories of having mutual acquaintances with someone chance-met. We all know or at least have met hundreds of people and those sets are going to intersect fairly often. However this one surprised me. I spent five months of 1979 working in Ipswich, Queensland, "away from home" with a coal mine that had problems. I had a great aunt living there and called in on her several times. She was well into her 80s and during one visit she told me about a Royal Australian Air Force man who had been billeted with her and her husband during the Second World War. After the war he had joined the Queensland ambulance service and was living in Rockhampton, a town of about 50,000 at the time with a satellite town, Gracemere, nearby with another 12,000 or so. The story meant little to me and I more or less forgot it. Six months or so later I was in Rockhampton and one Friday agreed to meet a few people at one of the local pubs. When I got there they had not arrived and I struck up a converation with an older man at the bar.


1) Name/birthday coincidences: Our son's wife has the same two Christian names as his aunt and shares the same birthday with her, while he has the same birthday as our son-in-law. 2) Meeting in an unlikely place: I had lost contact with an American friend after she left Hong Kong where I lived. On a brief trip to London (where our son was undergoing a cardiac catheterisation at Gt Ormond St Hospital), we paid a visit to Fortnum & Mason. Coming in from bright sunlight to the dim exterior, I recognized my American friend, bending down & looking at something in a display case. 3) Our best friends' daughter invited her old school friend to stay with her parents in Hong Kong (which we had left some years before). The friend took along her new boy friend who unexpectedly turned out to be our nephew. They are now married.

Families cross paths 70 years apart

I have been researching my family history. My father's family were predominantly from East Lancashire but in the 1881 census they were shown to be living in Durham where my GGrandFather was working in the mines. The family moved back to Lancashire and in the early thirties my father moved to Bristol to find work and subsequently moved to surrey before the war again for work. This meant that I was brought up in Guildford. I have been in touch via Friends ReU with a few of my old junior and senior school friends and have found out that one of them acts as a Family History researcher for people and had a colleague who specialises in military matters. Because one of my grandfather’s brothers was a mystery, being unable to find any DoD for him though we had been told he didn’t return from the war (WWI we thought) I asked my friend to try to ID a uniformed photo we had of this missing GUncle, in passing I sent him a copy of the 1881 census entry. He then emailed back to say that his GGGrandparents were living next door to mine on the same census. He had no connection to Lancashire and his family had only crossed with mine, there in Durham and later in Surrey.

name and event coincidence

Spring 2012, weekday, 8am-ish. Chose a CD (by TERRY RILEY - Persian Surgery Dervishes - from fave selection of about 15) for commute to work as a supply teacher (irregular days - approx. 1 day in 10 - at various venues) from Sheffield to Rotherham (two main alternative routes to choose from and used in past -approx. 70:30 favouring route used). Some 30 mins. into 45 min. journey, crossing over M1 at jnc. 35 heading to Rotherham, passed truck (heading opp. dir.) with company name T. RILEY above cab (some prior encounters over years when living nearer Rotherham.

Cable TV coincidence

After graduating from university in the early eighties I became a founding director of a design company specializing in child-centered environments and playgrounds, Some years after graduating, I was visiting a client in Pimlico, an area of London I had little or no knowledge of, when one of my colleagues suggested having lunch in a pub by the river Thames. To my surprise a fellow student from my university was there, We hadn't known each other that well as we were in different years, and we never kept in touch, but he came dashing over to greet me in a state of great excitement, and with an extraordinary tale to tell. He had just returned from an expedition travelling across Asia to China, following in the footsteps of his adventurous grandmother who had traveled there during Queen Victoria's reign. His journey had taken him through China, Indonesia and eventually ending up in Australia. He described to me how, exhausted after his travels, he arrived in Sydney and booked into a motel. Collapsing on his bed, he turned on the television to find me staring out at him from the screen.

Impossible chime

I have an Italian friend whose house I visit every week so that we can talk Italian and read Italian novels. One week , for reasons I can't recall, he came to my house instead. We were in the sitting-room reading when he asked me if the ticking of the grandfather clock didn't get on my nerves. I replied that it didn't, but added that I had tied the chimes up many years before so that it no longer chimed. After about ten minutes, when the clock reached 1.30pm, it chimed. I was absolutely astonished, but being a good rationalist, I refused to interpret this as poltergeist activity and ploughed stoically on. The clock had never struck before and has never struck since! In fairness I should add that the clock needs to be wound up every 24 hours and I only set it going when I want to keep a special watch on the time or at weekends, Christmas etc. I don't know if this alters the odds for my coincidence. I must confess that I have never bothered to examine the "innards" of the clock to seek a rational explanation. I am putting it down to a example of the Uncertainty Principle on a macro scale!

Same Age Siblings

Hi. Just watched your program on BBC4 last night and noticed the item about siblings with the same birthday. Well, I myself plus my two sisters all share the day 29 over three separate months, April, May and November. I hadn't realised it was as rare as stated but figured I would add myself to your list. Not so coincidental is; both my parents share the 5th of May and March and also their anniversary falls on the 5th of October. As said, not so coincidental but it does make things remarkably easy to remember!

Spooky phone call

Back in the early 1990s working for a government department, we had a mainframe computer. If the computer crashed there was a rota list of staff members to come out and reboot the machine. The guard would check to see who was on, ring the phone number next to the name and the individual would come in and do the necessary. Next to the name was also the staff number of each of the individuals on the rota. A Saturday morning, computer crashed, guard looks up the relevant number and erroneously rings the staff number, not the phone number. Phone rings. Passer by answers the phone ringing in a BT phone box. And yes, it was the individual the guard was trying to contact.

Coincidences around buying a cottage

Coincidences around buying a cottage Following my wife's suggestion that we purchase a pair of cottages for us and my brother to live in - he would come down from letting a flat in London and we would move out of a council purchase property - we started looking around in the rural locality. Our estate agent gave us particulars (from another agent), saying, "You won't want to buy but you must go and look at these . . ." The details and the property made a very good example of 'misleading by ommission' and 'misinformation by photo' - two well-known agents' practices at the time. However . . . . . . we went into the pub next door - not mentioned in the particulars - and had a good laugh. Then on showing the details to the barmaid she said. "If you want a pair of cottages, Mrs B in the village is selling." (1) So the visit was arranged to view. During our discussions I asked had Mrs B ever done bed and breakfast? A glimmer of memory was coming into my mind.
