Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!

World Trade disaster

While on holiday on a narrow boat on the Kennet & Avon canal, we moored up in Bath. We had the television on and watched in horror as the two planes crashed into the World Trade Centre. Feeling very disconcerted, I went for a walk into the town of Bath. I went into a large bookshop and started browsing computer books as is my interest. My blood ran cold when, flicking through one of the books I saw an ink drawing of a plane flying towards a skyscraper. I was so shocked that I went up to another customer and showed him. Shaken, I replaced the book and left the shop, and have ever since regretted not buying that book!

Somehow positive sign

Lockdown gave me the opportunity to follow a childhood dream. I start painting again doing a serious dedicated to mental health. It’s shows the three steps of depression I went through after my partners suicide it culminates on a fourth painting about him, what aggravated his mental health and it shows on his own words how he was afraid to end the way it did. What motivated me to start painting again was/is to voice my discontent and disgust of how he was ignored. The coincidence is that six years ago, to this day he was thanking me on Facebook for the support I gave him to find the job he dreamed. Unfortunately, in the end it didn’t work out as it was a zero hours contract. Coincidence or not I see it as a sign of appreciation. So much for my atheism…

Card trick

I have no experience in doing tricks, but wanting to be funny at my own expence, I took a pack of cards, shuffled them and handed the pack to a friend. I told her to cut anywhere but don;t let me see. She cut the cards, I told her to look at the exposed face card, and said 'seven of hearts'. It was a shock to her, but more of a shock to me as sure enough there was the seven of hearts. I was asked how I did the trick, but said I couldn't divulge my secret. No secret, just an amazing coincidence

Mysterious 7's

I'll keep this short and only post my most memorable synchronicity since I have a lot of them daily with license plates. This event is what led me to learn of them. One morning on my way to work, I stopped at Walgreens to get a drink and a snack. The receipt came out to \$7.77. The same day, on my way home from work, I grabbed a meal from Burger King and the receipt came out to \$7.77. I believe I still have the receipts somewhere. Things like this are a common occurrence for me, but never have I had anything that was as convincing as this.

BULB afterword

I've been meaning to share this here for a while being a fan of these stories. The following is nonfiction, all true, and happened in 2002 after I completed the first draft of my novel BULB. All these years later, I’m still trying to wrap my brain around it. At about 1:45 a.m. I left a party at my friend Mary and Bob’s house. A summer storm hit hard earlier in the evening and the trees darkening the road plus the storm forced me to concentrate. I’d had a few drinks earlier but not enough to not inhibit me. I was heading south on route 611 and just after Curley Hill Road, I noticed an accordioned car had scattered its bumper, glass, and other parts across the yellow lines. “Keep Going” briefly raced through my head, but no one was around, someone might be inside the crushed vehicle and other cars could wreck if they ran into the debris. I backed up my car to the middle of the road and put my caution blinkers and high beams on. Plumsteadville Police was written on the trunk, black letters on white. I yelled hello, feeling as if I were in some dream or movie scene, as I walked closer.

Carnaval Rabbit-Duck

I finished reading Haruki Murakami's First Person Singular in which he wrote a story about Schumann's Carnaval - which I'd never heard or thought about. The next morning, after reading that story and finishing the book, I picked up and started reading a book by Errol Morris called Believing is Seeing... a book on exploring photography and perception. In the first couple of pages, he discusses his mother playing Schumann's Carnaval. --Then--I’d been working on a painting in which I'd painted rabbits(more to it but for simplicity) as I was done painting the rabbits I started seeing the ducks as in the classic optical illusion. I was talking with my wife about the painting and specifically the duck-rabbit notions (hadn't spoken with anyone about the painting-I usually do not talk about my work) and left the conversation to go read from the same Morris book and on the first page I opened to read" the gestalt duck-rabbit, ambiguous and open to interpretation."


I truly believe I’ve met my twin flame/ soulmate and the coincidence we discovered together convinced me of it. He’s ten years older than me and we met 4 years after we figured out we had first met. We both worked for a grocery store. I was 19 and it was my first job. I happened to ask the manager for help and unknowing to me he answered my call since he was training to be a manager in the store I worked at. I didn’t even remember I had met him until we tried to figure out if our lives had ever overlapped after we both ended up in the same store 4 years after this chance encounter. We also discovered that we lived in the same town at the same time, his other home was minutes away from my sisters house that I visited numerous times. Another strange coincidence was that my sister years later bought his old house. I had never told her where he had lived and she ended up putting in an offer. I realized it was his house when she sent me the listing. His wife also has the exact same car as me.


It was valentines day. I went over to a friend's and gave her some chocolate. She made me some taiyaki. I didn't finish it because I was full. I drove two hours to meet up with another group of unconnected friends. One of them announced they were craving taiyaki. I got the extras out of my car and offered it to him.

Receiving 2 letters with the same number

A few years ago on holiday I was inconvenienced by forgetting the PIN for my credit card. When I got home I applied for a new number which was sent to me by post. On the same day that I received this I received an electricity bill. The amount due on the bill was the same as the credit card number. I never had trouble with my credit card PIN again - I took the electricity bill on holiday with me to remind me.


How is it possible that EVERY random time I look at a clock it is a Palindrome number? I realize there are 114 possible palindromes in a 24 hour period. But if EVERY time I look it IS a palindrome, how is that possible?
