Cambridge Coincidences Collection

As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.

Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.

Well I Never!

Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University wants to know about your coincidences!


Before I relate this coincidence,you need a couple of facts. 1. I teach IT in the local libraries. 2. I wear a matrix like coat as per Keanu Reeves. 3. The multiplex cinema has recently changed their seating policy to one where you HAVE to take your ticketed seat. (Ours were Q14 &15) 4. It was a toss up whether we were going to go to the movies tonight at all. Armed with this information,this is what happened: Having decided to go to the movies to see INTERSTELLAR,we were given the usual timing options for the film. Since we were eating out first,we chose an 8pm option,meaning that the various screenings were an issue in what followed. Because we finished eating earlier than the start of the film,we went up to the mezzanine to use the toilets and wait. Note that we'd only have been there because of the 8pm slot and being early from the restaurant. At that juncture a lady unknown to me walked up and said she had seen me before in the area I walked to, when I teach IT at the library.

Musical match

While listening to the radio in the kitchen, I knocked over a drinking glass and it smashed on the floor. While I was sweeping up the pieces, the radio started playing 'Walking on Broken Glass' by Annie Lennox. I posted this on Facebook and a friend replied that she'd had a frying pan catch alight in her kitchen just as 'We Didn't Start the Fire' by Billy Joel struck up!

Art Imitating Life Imitating Art?

My parents named me Belle, an exceedingly uncommon name in the modern U.S. They were scientists and I grew up loving to read and feeling disconnected with most of my peers. When the Disney animated movie "Beauty and the Beast" came out in 1991, I was 8 years old and immediately identified strongly with the heroine (there was some physical resemblance, but the name and character match were uncanny). Decades later, having met and married a relatively wealthy man with blue eyes, long golden hair, somewhat animal-like mannerisms, and mild Asperger's syndrome (difficulty with human empathy), we sometimes joke about the similarities (though I swear my taste in men was in no way influenced by the movie). The final shock of crazy coincidence was when I recently found out that, while never mentioned in the original movie, in the stage musical and other derivative material the Beast/Prince's real name is Adam-- the same as my husband!

Chance Meeting in Marrakech

I am a geologist and I love to travel, so I often visit exotic locales for both work and pleasure. I have often fantasized about encountering someone I know on a trip like this, and then it actually happened! This past April I had the opportunity to visit Morocco as a teaching assistant for a field class. As our group was assembling after arriving in the Marrakech airport, a young woman walking by said "Hey! Were you in Dabney House?" I happened to be wearing a sweatshirt with the insignia of my (small) university residency house. Startled, I glanced at her and, somewhat in shock, we both recognized each other from our undergraduate days. We hadn't been close friends and therefore had not seen or talked to each other since I graduated, almost nine years prior to our chance meeting! She was in Morocco for vacation, completely unrelated to my expedition.

Small world

2003 - I was visiting "Jumping Cat Monastery" in the middle of Inle Lake, Myanmar, chatting with my traveling companion Luis and looking over the floating gardens. An older French guy left his group and came over to talk to us - asked if we were from Spain (we were speaking Spanish). Luis said yes, I said no, I was from the US. Where? Seattle. 'Ah, I know someone in Seattle!' he exclaimed. A close family friend in Lyon had a daughter who had emigrated to the US 20 years previously; he knew her well, and had visited her in Seattle several years before. She was now a hairdresser, he explained. 'Ani?' I asked. You know Ani? Yes, it was my own hairdresser, who I knew socially as well. Very small world. Katy Warren

Not a chance its chance #4

A few minutes ago I was writing an email in which I mentioned my father died when he was 41 years old, of malaria which he'd contracted when he was stationed in Guam. It weakened his heart and heart surgery was not as easy to treat as it is now. I turned the tv on, to the noon news, just when Bill Gates was on the screen announcing, he was funding a drive to eliminate malaria. In the past few days, this kind of link up has happened several times. I went to a concert to hear Beethoven's 5th symphony last week, and later I heard the first 4 notes in three different locations, one was a nearby car while I filled my gas tank. It used to be confusing.

Sitting next to somebody on a train

When I was a student in Cardiff I got the train back to my parents home in Hertfordshire. This required an intercity train to Paddington, then the tube to Liverpool Street to connect with the train to Bishop's Stortford. The train stopped at Bristol and a man in a formal work suit and briefcase boarded the train and sat in the seat opposite me. We exchanged hellos but nothing more and I returned to my book. We both got off the train at Paddington and drifted off into the busy Paddington station. I made my way to Liverpool Street station and about 2 hours later I was having a cup of tea with my mother in Bishop's Stortford. About 3 hours later, I said that I would go to the local fish and chip shop, about a 5 minute walk. There was a queue of about 10 people so I took my place at the back and waited in line. Quite quickly I thought I recognised the man in the loud Bermuda shirt, shorts and flip flops a few places ahead of me in the queue. Despite his much changed appearance from his work attire, it was the man from the train who got on at Bristol!

Birthday coincidences

I joined a small committee of 12 members of a local National Trust Centre and when we were arranging events in December, we discovered that three members of that committee (including me) all had birthdays on 8 December. I also have a twin sister so that made 4 people born on the same date. Other coincidences are: I went on a coach holiday to Austria and one of the group heard my NZ accent and said she had a cousin who lived in New Zealand and worked in sports broadcasting in Wellington. I too worked a there and when she mentioned his name, I told her I knew him well and would go out on a Friday evening for a drink. I visited New Zealand one Christmas and the friend I was visiting on Christmas Day was unwell and said we were going to a neighbour's house. I was really amazed when she introduced me to Peter Acland as I live close to Killerton (my nearest NT property) and it was his grandfather who gave Killerton to the National Trust.

One Too Many?

Whilst trying to cope with a co -writer's obsession*with coincidences l have suddenly been prey to a raft of the things - in variety and scale<br /> and not only are they (of course) pertinent but they seem to be revitalising me<br /> and I am nearly expecting them.<br /> So you will want at least one example:<br /> l work as a published author at home and move from task to task and very often just when `<br /> l get going on a new task the phone rings or a visitor arrives.<br /> One more: just as l was starting the task of writing this response my daughter arrived with fudge made very close to the only place in Scotland my late mother visited but where neither me or my daughter have ever set foot in though she and l are both otherwise fairly well-travelled.<br /> Another one - just returned from Hoy having visited the naval museum there. On returning home I immediately learnt that a close friend's mother featured in one of the museum's subjects, the wartime canteen on the island.<br /> Or am l just losing the plot like my erstwhile pal?<br /> If so<br /> what a coincidence!

Face Coincidences

Ever since I was younger I feel like I have a "type" of vision. The event is that someone would walk past me or I see someone in the distance that has the same features of someone I know, but ends of being someone else; and seconds later I see the person who I thought is was. This event has happened tons of times to me. Any thoughts?
