I am 20 years old. When i was 18 i saw one guy in the city centre ( who is musician ). I know him virtually, (he enrolled youth movement which my exboyfriend also did. And my ex sometimes speaks about him or their band, there are 2 guys, and they have some videos on YouTube ), i mean we don't have relationship. After that in 2o14 when i was 19 i had another boyfriend, and i forget thinking about him ( who i saw in 2013 ) one day i met my group mates for educational purpose, and we walked and talked about something and then i saw same person in there, he looked at me. And i also. But i had a boyfriend, that's why i didn't return to back to know he also did or not. Then in the same year ( 2014 ) i brooked up with my boyfriend. In 14 November, Friday, i should go to shop to buy t shirt. The shop was the same street when i saw him first. And 14 November i saw him again, he came opposite side of me but when i exited shop he was front of me, he just looked at me, and passed me. Then i turned to back to know he also turn or not, i saw he also turn and looked at me again, i felt excited.