I am English. In 2011 I was living in Glasgow, Scotland, with a previously unknown flatmate, she was from Crieff, Scotland and was telling me she had a friend she had met while living in Palma, Majorca. He friend was from Luderitz, a small town in Namibia. So we called her "Nim".
Anyhow, her friend Nim came to stay with us and we became good friends, I helped her get a job and to work in Scotland and she stayed with us for 3 years. Eventually we all moved on, and I moved to a house I bought in a small town in the other side of Scotland, called Forres. In my first month in Forres, I by chance met a man living in the town, with a Namibian sticker on his car, we spoke and I told him I knew a very good friend from Namibia, further discussion found that the man actually knew "Nim" and when I got in touch with her she confirmed that he was in fact a family friend of theirs. The man had previously lived in Windhoek just up the coast from Namibia.
I found it fascinating that I met a friend of a friend from a relatively remote part of the world, in a equally relatively small and remote part of Scotland.