I was thinking at the weekend about my first car, that I had in the late 1980s, for some reason. It had a slightly unusaul number plate. For a car registered in 1978 the format should have been 3 letters, 3 numbers then ending with an S. My car's plate was XED 5 S with just the single number. I looked in to selling the plate at the time but was only offered £200 and the DVLA wanted a fee for the privilege of trasferring the plate to another car. I ended up selling the car for £250 complete with the original plate. At the weekend when I was thinking about it the only thing I thought it would have been useful for was if someone had a Mazda Xedos, a car no longer in production.
I then on Tuesday, had to tax my car and the reminder letter had a graphic of a number plate of my current car which then reminded me about what I had been thinking about.
So, I googled the plate with the term "number plate" after it and only got one distinct hit in amongst random suggestions. A photo sharing site with a picture of a car...and it had my old number plate on it...and it was a 1998 Mazda Xedos!