Mark Easton's blog on - he's the BBC home editor but uses a lot of statistics in his column
all links
As of the 23rd May 2022 this website is archived and will receive no further updates. was produced by the Winton programme for the public understanding of risk based in the Statistical Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. The aim was to help improve the way that uncertainty and risk are discussed in society, and show how probability and statistics can be both useful and entertaining.
Many of the animations were produced using Flash and will no longer work.
A selection of our social bookmarks sorted by category which we believe to be of general interest. {Originally stored on}
1 BBC - Mark Easton
1 Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects - visualized!
A blog looking at information visualization by David MCandless (Guardian/Wired freelancer). I’m interested in how designed information can help us understand the world, cut through BS and reveal hidden connections, patterns and stories underneath. Or, failing that, it can just look cool!
1 Junk Charts
A Tufte fan analysing charts that make the news. Usefully linked.
1 TierneyLab Blog from the New York Times has excellent coverage of all things numerical and scientific
2 HealthMap | Global disease alert map
HealthMap brings together disparate data sources to achieve a unified and comprehensive view of the current global state of infectious diseases and their effect on human and animal health. This freely available Web site integrates outbreak data of varying reliability, ranging from news sources (such as Google News) to curated personal accounts (such as ProMED) to validated official alerts (such as World Health Organization). Through an automated text processing system, the data is aggregated by disease and displayed by location for user-friendly access to the original alert. HealthMap provides a jumping-off point for real-time information on emerging infectious diseases and has particular interest for public health officials and international travelers.
2 Michael Blastland
Michael Blastland writes about statisics on BBC Online - check his archive for some good stories
2 The Numbers Guy in the Wall Street Journal: "Carl Bialik examines the way numbers are used, and abused" . Wonderful
3 Bad Science
Ben Goldacre's blog. Add it to your bookmarks!
3 BBC NEWS | Programmes | More Or Less
BBC Radio 4 programme on numbers and statistics. Produced in partnership with the Open University
3 reMap
A visual browser for using treemaps, tags and 'semantic distance' as navigation aids.
307.pdf (application/pdf Object)
(filed) govt rresponse to select committee report on scientific advice, risk and evidence-based policy making
A model of a pandemic
Financial Times animation gives a general visual idea of the way an infectious disease can spread around the world, reflecting transmission between people locally and extended by extensive international travel.
A visualization of media hype
Plotting media stories from Google News
Ageing in the UK
Good animation showing changing survival statistics in the UK, including projections
- Survival1812
First successful upload of Survival1812 to an online presentation service in which it runs successfully!
American Council on Science and Health - Riskometer and RiskRings
A US Riskometer
Andrew Gelman's blog on Statistical modeling, causal inference, and social science:
Announcing the Article Search API - Open Blog -
An API into the NYT database - for articles at least
Barclays Premiership Relegation Betting Odds
A snapshot of the betting world
BBC NEWS | Programmes | More Or Less
BBC Radio 4 on top form
Best Practices - robotlegs-framework - GitHub
A lightweight dependency Injection framework that includes event mapping (notification) and MVC implementation. So it can be used to replace or augment PureMVC.
birdeye - Project Hosting on Google Code
A wide ranging AS3 visualization library attempting to integrate other open source libraries. UN sponsored, but currently being reworked to use Flash Builder 4.
A German blog on quantitative sociology
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool
Provides 5-year and lifetime breast cancer risk from basic patient data
Build a Fluid Website Layout - Flashtuts+
Some simple Flash classes for fluid whole page layout. (i.e. like Flex width="100%" height="100%")
Bulgaria's identical lottery draw was coincidence | Entertainment | Reuters
SOFIA (Reuters) - Thedraw of the same six winning numbers twice in a row in Bulgaria's national lottery was a freak coincidence, officials said on Thursday.
Chance Magazine Homepage
Chart Porn
Described like this: 'This is a collection of interesting charts, tables, maps, and interactive data toys -- with a focus on economics and graphic design. Enormous thanks to the bloggers who help find all this stuff, and the wonderful researchers, analysts, and graphic designers who create them in the first place.' I think we're in there somewhere...
chemical testing and control
Study looks at chemicls most likely to cause damage but researchers recommend precautionary approach
chris jordan photography
Examples using deep zoom images of millions of items.
Colorbrewer: Color Advice for Maps
Helps pick a colour set for a graphic or visualisation.
Cool Infographics - Cool Infographics
Randy is the author of the Cool Infographics blog that highlights some of the best examples of data visualizations and infographics found in magazines, newspapers and on the Internet.
coordy - Project Hosting on Google Code
An AS3 layout library
Data - State of California
Californian government data
- – beta
Australian Government data
- - New Zealand government data online »
New Zealand Government Data
Datablog | News |
Loads of updated data from the Guardian, with downloadable spreadsheets and links to articles
- is the premier news and knowledge resource for data visualization and infographics.
Draw History | The National Lottery
National Lottery dataset download
SDMX-ML is the XML syntax used by the European Central Bank and the national central banks in the web dissemination of statistics. The following sections in the ECB web site support downloading of data in SDMX-ML format:
Educational Designer 1: Summer 2008
Journal on design of educational materials.
England Football Results Betting Odds | Premiership Results & Betting Odds
football league data in excel format
European Football Results and Betting Odds
Flare | Data Visualization for the Web
An AS3 data visualization library
Flickr Photo Download: Reduce Your Odds Of Dying In A Plane Crash
Fatal air accidents broken down by destination, plane type, seat, month, airline
Gallery of Data Visualization
Collection of data visualization techniques and software links
Git Book - Reviewing History - Git Log
Most readable git guide I've found. Complete with good video work throughs.
Glasgow Science Centre
Background to roadshow material on probability, including nice animation of Monty Hall, and with explanations labelled for educational level.
Government data from around the world. Welcome to our single gateway | News |
Guardian's government data list including UK, US, Australian, New Zealand, some US states, Canadian cities, London and Lichfield(!) government data.
Heart Age Forecast Tool | Know Your Numbers
New Zealand Heart Foundation cardiovascular risk forecast
High quality, high performance thumbnails in Flash - Jacob Wright – Flex, AIR, PHP, etc.
This is a useful way of preserving quality when creating the small images needed for zoomed out views in openzoom.
Human Life-Table Database
The Human Life-Table Database maintained by the Max Plank Institute, Rostok and others.
Human Life-Table Database
UK England and Wales lifetables
Improving data visualisation for the public sector
Case studies of improved data visualisations for public services in the UK
information aesthetics: infovis Archives
A collection of information visualizations
IngentaConnect A simulation model for football championships
paper on a football league simulation model
Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience Blog
Mostly geographical/geological/climate related stories. Published by Durham University Dept of Geography.
James' Empty Blog: Probability, uncertainty, models and climate
discussion of Bayesian arguments at conference
JuiceKit for Visual Analytics - JuiceKit™ SDK
A new Flex visualisation library that appears to incorporate Flare. JuiceKit™ is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for building Information Experience™ applications. JuiceKit integrates with Adobe Flex to create components that are easy to implement and aesthetically pleasing. JuiceKit components include controls, visualizations, and utility classes.
Know Breast Cancer.Org : Tamoxifen
Includes Tamoxifen 10 year data
LateX Equation Editor v2.5 Installation
PHP LaTeX maths rendering as a web service.
Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: increased risk associated with use for >=10 years -- Hardell et al. 64 (9): 626 -- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
article claiming increased cancer risk with long-term mobile phone use
Main Page - ChanceWiki
2 Articles updated monthly on statistics in the news
Mathagony Aunt
statistical education tools using ESP cards as game
Mathematics and Crime (DS & Chris Budd) Harold Shipman
2 Videos
Maths Online
lottery simulation sites in which you specify numbers and then see how they work
Metropolitan Police Service - Crime mapping
Crime map of London: areas appear to be classified as high crime rate if they are more than 2 standard deviations above the mean. The 'help' does not make clear how this is done with different sized areas. This grading system would be expected to classify around the top 2.5% of areas as 'high crime'.
Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data Visualization
wonderful resource - title speaks for itself
Mondrian - Interactive Statistical Data Visualization in JAVA
A java visualisation library
MORtrends | Graphs showing trends in national mortality rates
Time trends in mortality rates. The rates are for particular places, ages and causes of death. Graphs for 16 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Poland, Canada, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands.
Most rates were calculated using data published by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO is not, however, responsible for any of this website's content. -
NationMaster - World Statistics, Country Comparisons
Lists, maps and graphics comparing wide range of statistics between countries
NHS Choices - great coverage of recent health stories in the news
NHS TOOL | Atlas of risk shows health risks & death rates by age, sex & region
Animated 'riskometer' showing cause-of-death rates either as circles or bars
Official government data sites around the world | News |
London governmet data
pixelbreaker : SWFObject add-on: MouseWheel on Mac OS
A tool which extends SWFObject to support the Mac mousewheel on OSX. Macs have been missing mousewheel support for flash animations.
plainview : software : the barbarian group
A Mac presentation tool in the form of a full screen web browser that has
slide sorting and ordering features. Looks handy for plugging the MacOSX powerpoint/flash gap. -
Planet Science | Sci-Teach
Package of materials for teaching pregnancy risk and spread of sexually-transmitted diseases (although they make a serious and mistake in their probability theory: the final 99% chance quoted is the chance of getting chlaymdia OR getting pregnant, not AND - this is very poor for an educational resource).
Processing, JSON & The New York Times | blprnt.blg
Sample code from #blprnt
Projection Point - Risk Intelligence Testing
Web survey of risk intelligence Quotient
A javascript visualization library under development in Stanford. Now looking very good!
Public health: The hidden menace of mobile phones - Independent Online Edition > Health
Independent article on cancer risk from phones
Risk Education Statistics
Comparative risk statistics from Health Safety Executive
Risk-Ed - Risk
Interactive risk education site sponsored by the Institute of Materials, so concentrates on environmental exposures
Science Team: The public view of uncertainty
group receiving grant for risk communication
Wall Street Journal numbers guy
Sense About Science
Organisation that promotes public understanding of prominent topics
SIAM: Moody's Math Challenge
An impressive US competition for high-school students featuring real-world large scale problems. (e.g. Tell us how to fix the Social Security deficit)
Royal Statistical Society's popular journal
SIMILE Project
Hosts a number of innovative javascript widgets which access a semantically linked web database stored in JSON format. MIT
SportAtSchool - Home
SportAtSchool , based on the successful international CensusAtSchool, is an Internet based project of the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) and is designed to improve the statistical literacy of school-aged learners.
Statistics - Corporate - Communities and Local Government
Data sets on housing, fire, planning and sleeping rough in the UK
Statistics explained (beta version)
Home of European statistics on everything
STATS blog: covering statistics in the news
susanna hertrich | reality checking device
displays the 'real risks' alongside the 'public outrage' as an interactive art-form
Swiz Framework : Examples
Looks like a really simple Swing-like alternative framework to PureMVC.
Taking a New Look at Health : GE
Data which drives Ben Fry's 'Health Visualizer'. The application is also available at
The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook
Interesting coxcomb graphic that takes on the form of what it's trying to describe. You don't read sectors as area here because of the context.
The top 10 government data visualisations and applications | News |
Guardian's choice (?) of the top ten UK government data visualizations
Understanding Children's Heart Surgery
This site is to help people make sense of published survival data about children’s heart surgery in the UK and Ireland.
Understanding Data - A dissertation by Henry Hadlow
Submitted in the form of a 7500 word openzoom image. Reviews, Photosynth,, Seadragon, Atlas and Last Clock
Unlocking innovation |
Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data
Ushahidi :: Home
The Ushahidi platform is a tool to crowdsource information using multiple channels like SMS, twitter, and the web.
Using mobile phones for more than 10 years 'doubles risk of brain cancer' | the Daily Mail
report on paper
- | A visual exploration on mapping complex networks
A searchable database of stunning complex network visualisations.
See also tag remap. -
Welcome to Adjuvant! Online
Decision making tool for healthcare
WHO | WHO Mortality Database: Tables
Download page for the WHO Mortality Database. Registered Deaths by cause, sex and age. Infant deaths. Estimated completeness of mortality data. Estimated coverage of mortality data.
Wired UK, July ‘09 – Visualizing a Nation’s DNA | blprnt.blg
WPtouch: Mobile Plugin + Theme for WordPress ↔ BraveNewCode Inc.
WordPress blog to iPhone/Android
YouTube - Chris Jordan: Picturing excess
A Ted Talk by Chris Jordan. Deep zoom images of consumer waste, smoking deaths...
Zoomorama - The high definition zooming solution
A deep zoom web service for photographs. Creates embeddable deep zoom animations in Flash.